College is Worth It by Olivia

Olivia's entry into Varsity Tutor's October 2024 scholarship contest

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College is Worth It by Olivia - October 2024 Scholarship Essay

College is a secondary education that students can pursue to achieve a certain degree in a major of their choice. While it is costly, I believe there is an abundance of benefits one can gather from it after graduating high school and beginning their career with a college degree. Not only do college degrees allow them to expand their knowledge in the field they want to pursue, but they also have access to plenty of job opportunities, higher earnings, better cognitive thinking and professional skills, and more beneficial employment aspects to consider. All of this could not potentially even be achievable without a college education, which intentionally is a path that can grow a person both on an education level as well as a personal level. Another aspect to put into consideration is the idea of college credit plus courses an individual can take while still in high school. This kind of opportunity offers classes that you may need later down the road when you are actually in person at a college, and it undoubtedly takes the weight off of the financial part of getting a college degree. I know from personal experience and advice from my admissions counselor that this greatly helps students receive their degree at an earlier time rather than having to be in school for years after graduating high school. It also leads to internships and higher chances of getting a stable job where individuals can successfully have good pay and employment benefits that they can be satisfied with when thinking long-term. College degrees without a doubt offer much more opportunities than not having one and ultimately have a more positive effect on individuals as they are trying to be successful in their careers.
