Studying Abroad Should Not be a Requirement for all College Students by Navaugh

Navaughof Tucson's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2016 scholarship contest

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Navaugh of Tucson, AZ
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Studying Abroad Should Not be a Requirement for all College Students by Navaugh - March 2016 Scholarship Essay

I believe studying abroad is a prime way for college students to enrich their education. It can be an excellent opportunity to be immersed in a new language and to experience a unique culture. There is a lifetime of benefits that come along with attending college in a foreign country. Ideally, it would be a feasible opportunity for all students. However, I don’t think all college students should be required to study abroad to complete their degree.
Something that must be considered, is that studying abroad costs both time and money. There are financial programs available to make studying in another country possible, but this doesn’t make it the right choice for everyone. There are a growing number of non-traditional students attending college and university. Often these students have jobs and families to support. Leaving for a week or two might be acceptable, but to study for a year or even a semester away from home would place undue stress on countless families and individuals. Also, if studying abroad was a requirement for completion of a degree, I believe some may be discouraged from pursuing a degree altogether.
As an alternative to this requirement, I propose studying abroad be made more possible for all students. Financial assistance, including help with child care or care for a disabled family member should be widely available and offered openly. Upon enrollment, all college and university students should be presented with information for how, when, and why it would be the best decision for them to study abroad. Currently, I believe most students view studying abroad as a lofty goal for the privileged. If we treat studying abroad as natural step in the process toward earning a degree, I believe many more people would choose to participate. In this way we can encourage our nations students to enrich their education and lives, without placing upon them a burden.
