Leadership as a husband by Mariah

Mariah's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2024 scholarship contest

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Leadership as a husband by Mariah - May 2024 Scholarship Essay

Leadership is a concept that has various definitions, each person's understanding of it is unique and influenced by personal experiences and values. To me leadership, is about having a clear vision and the ability to inspire others to work towards a common goal. A leader should have a strong sense of purpose and be able to articulate it in a way that motivates and engages their team or followers. Trust is an essential component of effective leadership, and it can only be earned through consistent ethical conduct.
Leadership goes beyond empowering others to share your vision it is also about integrity and ethical behavior. A true leader leads by example, demonstrating honesty, transparency, and fairness in their actions. They uphold ethical principles and make decisions that are in the best interests of their team or organization. Leadership is empowering others and helping them to develop new skills. A leader does this by providing opportunities for learning, skill-building, and career advancement to their team members. By empowering others to take on responsibility and make decisions, leaders create a sense of ownership and foster a culture of collaboration and shared success.
Someone in my life that demonstrated leadership is my husband. Leadership is often associated with professional roles and positions, but it also extends to personal relationships. When my husband and I got married I struggled with communication and emotionally connect with him. Over the years my husband has helped me learn to communicate and emotionally connect with him.
A good leader provides support to their team or followers, my husband has done the same. My husband has been supportive to me as I have returned to school. He encouraged me during the times I was ready to give up and pushed me to improve myself through my schooling. By being a source of support, my husband created a nurturing and uplifting environment that enabled both of us to grow and thrive.
A leader recognizes the strengths and talents of their team members and leverages them for collective success. Similarly, my husband has appreciated and respected the unique qualities and contributions of other family members. By fostering a sense of partnership, he created a harmonious and balanced relationship based on equality and shared responsibilities. By investing in the growth and well-being of their spouse, a husband demonstrates leadership qualities that contribute to a thriving and fulfilling marriage. My husband has supported my aspirations, encourage self-improvement, and provide a nurturing environment for personal growth.
While leadership is traditionally viewed as a workplace skill, it is something that should be viewed in every relationship. Leadership is a concept that encompasses vision, integrity, empathy, adaptability, and development. It is not limited to a specific role or position but can be practiced by anyone who takes on the responsibility of guiding and inspiring others towards a common goal. Leadership is a continuous journey of personal growth and learning, and it requires a commitment to self-reflection, humility, and continuous improvement. By embodying these qualities, leaders can make a positive impact on individuals, teams, and organizations, creating a path towards success and collective achievement.
