Finding Motivation by Logan

Loganof Lawton's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2019 scholarship contest

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Logan of Lawton, OK
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Finding Motivation by Logan - June 2019 Scholarship Essay

Although motivation is the key to any form of success, many people lack the proper motivation to pursue success. I for one have found myself going through each day without the proper passion and drive necessary to pursue success. This was until I learned a very valuable lesson from my AP Biology teacher, Mr. Schlecht. He was discussing the general lack of effort that some of the students were putting into our classwork. He then pursued to describe that college may be very difficult to some of us if we do not put forth the effort now to develop positive habits. That lesson has since brought me a great sense of motivation, taught me to put forth my best effort in anything that I care about, and has opened my eyes to the benefits of completing difficult tasks.
Motivation is substantially the most important ingredient to any recipe for success. The life changing lesson that I learned came at a time when my motivation and drive was at an all time low. At times it was somewhat difficult to motivate myself to do simple tasks such as school work. Mr. Schlecht is a man who was once delinquent minded and lacked motivation himself. He eventually found this much needed drive and has since accomplished many tasks like serving in the Army, serving as a local police officer, and most importantly, fueling the youthful minds of our future. Without this important lesson, I might still be squandering for motivation to complete tasks such as AP Biology homework.
A byproduct of motivation is taking a sense of pride in any and all work that you display. In the past, I wouldn’t hesitate to construct a poor essay or project and claim that work. This is a lazy and overall dangerous habit that I developed at a fairly young age. I have often found myself asking what the minimum requirements are on an assignment and only completing the absolute minimum amount of work required. After this much needed advice I put hard work and thought into anything that I care enough to start. It is very important to take a sense of pride into anything that you are willing to assign your name to.
Although annoying and strenuous, completing difficult tasks can be very beneficial to development and even increase motivation. It is very important to challenge yourself to accomplish things that you have never accomplished before. Completing such tasks can create a sense of drive that may have been lacking in the past. When you challenge yourself you will start to see gradual growth of your knowledge, skill level, and even confidence. While taking an AP course, exercising, or learning a trade are not easy, they have visible benefits.
When one considers the sense of motivation that I have received,the amount of pride that put into my work, and learning the benefits of completing difficult tasks it is easy to see that the lesson I learned from Mr. Schlecht was very helpful. This lesson was so important because motivation and drive are very important aspects of a potentially successful person. Motivation acts as our fuel source while some have a full tank and others are almost empty, but ultimately we cannot run without it.
