You’re More Than “Just” Good Enough by lilly
lillyof Washougal's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2019 scholarship contest
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You’re More Than “Just” Good Enough by lilly - June 2019 Scholarship Essay
One of the most difficult things to deal with for teenagers is the feeling of having to meet and exceed a standard that is set by others. From a young age everyone is taught that they need to go to the best four-year college and get a degree in order to be happy and successful in life. However, not everyone is made to follow this path in life, and that causes a feeling of being lesser than, or that what they want to do is not important compared to the four-year college path straight out of high school. What my teacher taught me is that there should never be a “just” life plan.
When talking to a teenager who is about to graduate high school and they are asked what they are going to do after graduation, some may say “I’m just going to community college” or “I’m just working until I can go to school”. Using the word “just” makes it feel as though one believes what they are doing is insignificant. People need to feel proud of the path that they are taking in life, even if it may not be exactly what society pushes. If a person is doing what makes them happy, whether it be going to community college before moving onto a four-year college or working until they are able to start making strides towards their goals, then they should be proud of themselves and what they are doing with their life.
I have taken this advice to heart. After hearing this, I realized that even though I am attending a four-year college, sometimes I would catch myself devaluing the school I’m attending simply because it isn’t the biggest or top school in my state. However, whenever I would find myself thinking that I remember the advice that I received. That’s when I realized, what I’m accomplishing right now is important, and where I’m accomplishing it is just as important as well. This is my journey and it shouldn’t be the exact same journey as anyone else’s because if everyone did the same thing life would be boring.