College Degrees: More Than Just A Degree by Lena

Lena's entry into Varsity Tutor's October 2024 scholarship contest

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College Degrees: More Than Just A Degree by Lena - October 2024 Scholarship Essay

Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm by your bedside screeches, effectively waking you up. Waking up feeling under the weather, with chills and a sore throat, realizing that you’re probably sick, you grab your jacket and rush out to your doctor’s, only to find the clinic deserted. As you turn around, you see the law firm around the corner and the dentist’s office down the street empty too. This is what the world would look like if college and college degrees wouldn’t exist.

College is important, for a number of reasons. Without college, there would be less jobs in the world. There would be no doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, bankers, nurses, dentists, or more without a college degree. That would greatly alter our everyday life if such jobs didn’t exist. College also helps you connect to people and allows for networking, which could help you with your future job and provide opportunities later on. Adding on to the idea of jobs, going to college and getting a college degree allows for graduates to earn more and increases the chances of employment. All of these benefits of a higher education degree are great, but for me, I think that the education you get from going to college is the most valuable.

My current calculus teacher is what people call a “lifelong learner.” My calculus teacher currently holds 7 degrees, with a concentration in math and education. Despite him being 45, he is still looking into the idea of going back to school to earn his 8th degree. College offers a lifelong supply of experiences and education. College courses provide an extremely extensive amount of knowledge, ranging from classes like biochemistry to education. Classes such as personal finance offer invaluable experience for those that take it, and can help people make better financial choices, manage their money well, learn how to invest, and encourage planning for the future. The knowledge that you can gain from learning personal finance goes beyond your college years. It allows for people to plan ahead, such as thinking about saving for retirement or for important purchases like a home or a car. Learning about personal finance leads to better financial choices and therefore, a more financially independent person.

College helps to build upon other important skills beyond what your major is, such as time management, critical thinking, cooperation, and communication. Similarly to the financial class benefits mentioned, college offers skill developments that go beyond just college. These skills that are honed and sharpened in college help in the future, such as when you are working at a marketing company and need to reach out to clients and brands. In order to successfully accomplish a connection between your company and that brand or client, there needs to be good communication and cooperation. The lessons and skills you learn or build upon in college help your own self growth and prepare you for the real world.

Higher education transcends beyond potential networking, jobs, better employment rates, and chances of more income. The knowledge and experiences gained in college foster a love of learning and cultivate skills needed in jobs and personal lives, which contribute to an individual’s success.
