A Glimpse Though The Lens of Wisdom by Kenneth

Kenneth's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2024 scholarship contest

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A Glimpse Though The Lens of Wisdom by Kenneth - March 2024 Scholarship Essay

As a student of graphic design at the University of North Texas, I owe a great deal of my inspiration to my great grandmother. A matriarch from an entirely different epoch, her perspective on life was as diverse as they come, striking sharply with our contemporary worldviews but also beautifully accenting them. The most transformative time I've had to work closely with a different perspective was in my lifelong interactions with her, and the insights gained from that dynamic relationship fostered a personal growth and maturity that echoes through the human-centered art I create.

By the time we met, my great grandmother had witnessed nearly a century of evolution, upheavals and global societal shifts. As a small boy barely acquainted with the world, her tales of struggle and survival, and the perspectives that she bore from her experiences imbued in me a profound learning that transcended generations. As a Black, Hispanic, Latino, Asian young man, my racial identities offered me a unique lens to view her stories. I was not just interpreting her experiences but actively interpreting her views against the backdrop of my own understanding of the world. And this process was as enlightening as it was stimulating.

Despite her hardships, my great grandmother maintained an incredible optimism towards life, reminding me that someone, somewhere, would give anything to live the life I was living. In my early days, these words seemed heavy, often too contextually complex for my young mind to comprehend. But as years rolled on, her teachings reminded me of the value of gratitude and the wisdom in understanding life beyond one's circumstances.

Being granted the ability to attend the University of North Texas as a graphic design major was one such instance of the manifestation of my great grandmother's wisdom. I began to view my college experience as a privilege, something many individuals in underprivileged regions could only dream of. Her wisdom remained a constant echo, compelling me to utilize my opportunities to maximize the benefit those less fortunate, and in doing so, grow both as an individual and as a part of a larger global community

I found opportunity for this growth in my major. Graphic design, with its roots deeply embedded in the realm of expression and communication, provided a platform to promote dialogue about gratitude, privilege, and opportunities. I began to use my work as a way to convey messages that would inspire gratitude and optimism. My pieces became a reflection of my great grandmother’s teachings, amalgamated with the cultural richness of my diverse racial backgrounds, aiming to enlighten and spread her wisdom to anyone who happened upon my work.

The earned distinctions of having both a high school and collegiate GPA of 4.0 are testimonies to my commitment to maximizing the opportunities that have been presented to me, a testament to my desire to continue her legacy of resilience and optimism through my academic and creative pursuits.

Today as a rising sophomore, as I reflect on the journey that has shaped me, I cannot underscore enough the value of my great-grandmother's poignant worldview. It has been the guiding light that shaped my existence and my identity as a grateful student and an empathetic graphic designer. It has been the compass that has navigated me through challenges, helping me treat each obstacle not as a deterrent but as stepping stones on the path towards a life lived in gratitude, optimism, and service to others.

I carry this perspective fervently as I apply for the Varsity Tutors College Scholarship. It is an opportunity for me to further my academic and creative journey, and to continue to use my privileges to help others. I am truly hopeful that my application would enable other aspiring students like me to translate their dreams into reality, and perpetuate the cycle of learning and giving that my great grandmother so eloquently embodied.
