Are you up before or after the Rooster crows? by Kadija

Kadijaof College Park's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2019 scholarship contest

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Kadija of College Park, MD
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Are you up before or after the Rooster crows? by Kadija - January 2019 Scholarship Essay

If you have ever played sports in high school, you have probably heard a saying along the lines of, “ When you aren’t putting in the work, someone else is, so use your 24 hours wisely.” This tactic is used to ignite a fire into young minds in order to prompt a productive work ethic. The 24 hours we are given each day can be used at our disposal to make gains in life or to stay stagnant. Alarm goes off at 5:00 AM, shower, then coffee and work, that is the sequence some individuals see themselves as being there most productive selves. On the other hand, there are individuals that have a sense of Zen and optimal concentration during the dark hours, where others are most likely asleep.
Throughout my college career, I have utilized both times of the day, so that I could see what exactly worked best for me, since everyone is different. I remember waking up at 4:00 am before class and getting some schoolwork done. Other times, I would get through the day and try to take a quick nap before the commencement of a focused work session. There are pros and cons for both being a night owl and being a morning person, but the one that I align most with is being a morning person.
As a sleep lover and current student, being a night owl did not last too long. After a long day of class and work, I would pull all the remaining strength I had to do to embark on a mission in completing homework and paper assignments. A couple hours would pass and I would crash, only partially completing what I have to, which prompts me to head to bed and try again in some hours. This pattern proved unsuccessful; I would be left tired and unproductive for the rest of the day. So, this semester I wanted to switch it up and get up early in order to maximize my time. This worked better for me, because there was the advantage of catching the sun when it came up and getting things done before officially starting the school/work day. This made me more productive, in addition to increasing my ability of getting a good nights rest.
“ When you aren’t putting in the work, someone else is, so use your 24 hours wisely.” A saying you may have heard from your high school coach or even a college professor. I agree; use your 24 hours as productively as you can weather you are a morning person, like myself, or a night owl, finding what works best for you and using that as an advantage will enhance the success of society.
