Larger Than One, Possible With Many. by Jorge

Jorgeof New Brunswick/Piscataway's entry into Varsity Tutor's July 2017 scholarship contest

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Jorge of New Brunswick/Piscataway, NJ
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Larger Than One, Possible With Many. by Jorge - July 2017 Scholarship Essay

If I was honored with the chance to give an educational TED talk, I would take the opportunity to discuss an issue that I am very passionate about and that is much larger than any one person. I would talk about the issues our world is facing in regards to the environment - environmental sustainability. I would prepare a lesson and give a speech in an attempt to inspire those I am presenting it too, or those watching online. My lesson would entail facts and statistics regarding the downfall of environmental and habitat sustainability and increase in global warming related issues. I would show the progression of global warming so that people can see that it is more than a "hoax" or simple fix. I would speak in a way to inspire and persuade others to take action. My speech would be something along the lines of:

"Hello everyone, my name is Jorge Alvarez and today I would like to teach you about something you have heard before. However, what will be different about what I have to say is that today, I will reveal the reason why things have not changed, and what must be done to combat this issue. Not long ago I was in my AP Government and Politics class learning about how environmental policy and government intertwine, today I am addressing the importance of a profound concern in which you can all help significantly. The topic I would like to emphasize is controversial and is constantly debated, thus I kindly ask that you try to disregard partisanship and consider the issue at hand to ensure the most successful meeting possible. We as humans constantly worry, however, our worries are usually minute compared to the issues which may catastrophically affect everyone around the world. Sure, we can discuss the racial tension and distrust between law enforcement and minorities, the controversy surrounding our current president, or even LGBT rights, but these issues will no longer be relevant if the world can no longer sustain us. Environmental sustainability has been a long debated issue among many, it is particularly debated within those holding government positions. There are various opinions and approaches to the issues of environmental sustainability. Despite scientists exposing the thriving problems which are devastating the environment, effort by many remain minimal. Global warming, large amounts of waste being thrown away, and excess fumes released by vehicles and factories all fall under environmental sustainability. These issues can be greatly reduced and potentially resolved after persistent collaborative efforts. It is important to recognize that this issue extends beyond the United States. However, as individuals, it is our responsibility to encourage our government to encourage other nations to unite and combat the growing issue. If we do not take action now, conditions will worsen and future generations will be devastated. Yes, it is important that we do not turn our backs to civil issues, but we must manage our priorities. Rather than using resources and money in less important fields, we must seek opportunity to strengthen relationships and target a shared goal. We must pioneer the idea of unity and the combatment of the world's most devastating issues. We as a nation must not be selfish, there are greater concerns in the world that are unattended. As citizens of the United States and to those tuning in from other nations, it is your responsibility to set the standard for my generation and future generations. With your support, we can leave an everlasting footprint on the world. We can make the difference that people have sought for years. Throughout this meeting, I would like you all to think about your futures and the futures of those around you. Ask yourselves, are you willing to live knowing that billions of people around the world are suffering the consequences for the lack of action and will continue to suffer if we do not step up? We must, and we will take a stand to change the future as we know it."

I would say what I prepared above because the world is in constant push to advance in technology and people and nations alike tend to focus on their socioeconomic status, rather than issues that we all as human beings share. Thus, if presented with the opportunity to give an educational TED talk, I would use every second of it to remind people and reveal the striking truth of the "worlds health" as we know it. Sure, we can talk about a math lesson or civil lesson, however, what is more important than the lives of 7.4 billion people?
