Informal Education: A Pillar of My Academic Success by Jemeria

Jemeria's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2024 scholarship contest

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Informal Education: A Pillar of My Academic Success by Jemeria - June 2024 Scholarship Essay

The structure of education is often defined by rigorous curriculums, standardized testing, and structured classrooms. Unofficial education, however, is a greatly influential but sometimes overlooked form of learning that has had a significant impact on my scholastic path. Informal education includes all the different ways we learn outside of official educational environments, such as via hobbies, life experiences, meeting new people, and independent study. This essay explains how my academic achievement has been greatly influenced by informal education, proving that learning outside of the classroom is not only necessary but also complimentary to formal education.

I was always interested in subjects outside of textbooks and school walls, even as a young child. My parents encouraged me to learn more about the world around me, which increased my interest. I was exposed to a lot of information and a variety of viewpoints when they often took me to museums, libraries, and cultural events. I have carried a desire for studying with me throughout my academic career, which was sparked by these opportunities. For instance, I often got medical and patient care-related experiences and information from my mother, who works in the medical profession. I became interested in health sciences after this exposure, and I studied a lot about things like human anatomy and advances in medicine. I also went to work with her a few times, and I watched her interact with coworkers and patients. These experiences expanded my perspective of the medical field and motivated me to become a Physician's Assistant. In addition to improving my comprehension of science, this self-directed study helped me develop research and critical thinking abilities, which have been very helpful in my regular studies.

In addition, non-formal learning has played a major role in my soft skill development, which is essential for success in both the workplace and the classroom. My involvement in team sports, volunteer work, and community initiatives have provided me with leadership, communication, and cooperation skills. Through these experiences, I have learned valuable lessons about problem-solving, flexibility, and time management—skills that are necessary for success in any academic or professional context but are not frequently addressed in typical classroom settings. For example, organizing a community health awareness campaign involved managing logistics, motivating volunteers, and negotiating with various organizations. My group projects and collaborative efforts in college have benefited greatly from these experiences, which have also made me a more capable leader and team player.

The age of technology has created previously unavailable chances for informal learning. I've been able to study topics outside of my official curriculum thanks to online resources like Khan Academy, Coursera, and TED Talks, which have given me a more comprehensive and multidisciplinary perspective. I finished an online course in coding over the summer break before my sophomore year. It wasn't related to my degree, but it matched my passion for technology. I gained useful skills from this course that I used in a computer science elective, which finally resulted in the creation of a software project that won recognition from my professors. I've been able to expand my knowledge and supplement my official education by pursuing my hobbies at my own pace thanks to the flexibility of online learning.

In addition, my effort to achieve academic goals is motivated by a lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity that informal education has nurtured. The ability to study on my own and always look for new knowledge has kept me interested and motivated. It has also strengthened my ability to overcome obstacles in my academic career. When I ran into trouble understanding difficult topics in my classes, I used internet resources and supplemental materials to fill in the knowledge gaps. My grades have increased due to this proactive learning approach, which has also given me a sense of confidence and self-efficacy outside the classroom.

As a result of giving me an extensive variety of interesting and rewarding learning opportunities, informal education has been a key component of my academic achievement. My knowledge has increased, I've developed essential soft skills, and it's encouraged a lifetime love of studying, all of which have enhanced my formal education. I have developed into a more comprehensive, flexible, and driven learner by seizing the chance for informal education, and I am now prepared to succeed in my studies and beyond. In the end, this comprehensive kind of education makes us more knowledgeable and capable people by emphasizing the significance of appreciating and acknowledging the many methods in which we receive information. My commitment to using the potential of non-formal education to accomplish my objectives and contribute significantly to society remains unchanged while I pursue my academic goals.
