Title: Charting New Perspectives As a dedicated Animal Sciences major at Michigan State University, my educational journey has been deeply enriched by a diverse array of experiences. These experiences have not only expanded my understanding of the scient by JaNiyah

JaNiyah's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2024 scholarship contest

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Title: Charting New Perspectives As a dedicated Animal Sciences major at Michigan State University, my educational journey has been deeply enriched by a diverse array of experiences. These experiences have not only expanded my understanding of the scient by JaNiyah - March 2024 Scholarship Essay

Title: Charting New Perspectives

As a dedicated Animal Sciences major at Michigan State University, my educational journey has been deeply enriched by a diverse array of experiences. These experiences have not only expanded my understanding of the scientific world but also fostered my personal growth. A notable instance of this occurred in my freshman year when I found myself working closely with Emily, a colleague in my study group whose perspective differed considerably from mine.

Emily was an Environmental Economics and Policy student from the Midwestern farming belt, whereas I, JaNiyah Brown, stem from a predominantly Black urban community. Therein lay our differences; not only in our academic pursuits, but our socio-cultural backgrounds as well. The task at hand was an interdisciplinary project on “Human-Wildlife Interaction," which ranged from the economics of hunting to the anthropological nuances of human-wildlife relationships.

Embodying a natural scientific mindset, I am trained to focus on quantifiable characteristics and behaviors of animals, their physiological attributes, and their role in ecosystems. But Emily's perspective revolved around economies, how human action driven by economic circumstances affects the environment and wildlife. Initially, this gap rendered our collaboration challenging. I struggled to comprehend how dollar signs could resonate with the rhythm of nature and she grappled with the complex web of animal behavior.

Gradually, we realized that our contrasting backgrounds brought unique insights to the table. We began embracing our differing points of view as complementary perspectives rather than rival ideologies. Emily familiarized me with the concept of viewing wildlife from an economic perspective, as entities intrinsically linked with human development and survival, a correlation I had previously overlooked being immersed in my biological studies. Ever the patient teacher, Emily keenly explained how the economics of hunting could drive the conservation of animal species, maintain ecological balance, and sustain rural economies.

In turn, I elucidated on the intricate behavioral patterns in animals, how they respond to changes in their environment, and the role played by anthropogenic factors in shaping these responses. I helped Emily appreciate that the economic practices she studied always bore an ecological footprint and that understanding animal behavior could guide more sustainable practices.

Working with Emily was transformative. My myopic view on my studies expanded to include broader socio-economic aspects of animal conservation, and the practical implications of behavioral patterns in animals. I also learned that contentious debates and conflicts can often be diffused by shifting perspective, understanding diverse viewpoints, and a little flexibility. Our collaboration was no easy task given our preference for either econometric analysis or ethological observation, but it was the difficulty that catalyzed a symbiosis of knowledge.

Hayden White, a renowned theorist, posits that we should not view diversity as a barrier to success, but rather a catalyst for innovation and creativity. It is this diversity that makes the world vibrant, makes learning fruitful, and makes life full. Each perspective, however different, contributes unique insights to the common purpose of knowledge and shared understanding, and so it was with Emily and me.

Reflecting on this experience reaffirms why diversity is critical within a University setting and ultimately the real-world. Collaborating with someone having different perspectives just does not create a broader outlook, but it also helps develop essential soft skills like empathy, teamwork, and conflict resolution.

I plan to hold on to these insights and experiences from my time working with Emily, helping me grow academically and personally. It serves as a reminder of the beautiful outcomes that can be breadcrumbed from situations of seeming discord. Much like the various disciplines that tango within the Social and Life Sciences, we all have something to teach and learn from one another. Integrating the lens of economics has reformatted and deepened my understanding of our natural world, thus further equipping me with holistic tools towards my career goal of becoming an veterinarian.

Thanking you for your consideration of my application, I’m truly excited for the potential opportunities that the Varsity Tutors College Scholarship could bring to my educational journey. As it is said, the road to success is always under construction, and exposure to diversity is the most influential architect in that endeavor.
