What may be important, may not be what makes you happy. by James
Jamesof YOUNGSTOWN's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest
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What may be important, may not be what makes you happy. by James - March 2017 Scholarship Essay
What is one thing that you consider to be the most important thing in your life? Is it money? Love? School? Happiness? Most of you would probably say either love or money would be the most important thing. There's not one person I know who wouldn't say that those two things are important. But what if that's not the case? What if what's important to you isn't something you'd want in the long run?
There are people out in this world who think that they can have love and money, or just one of the two, and be content with themselves. They go on thinking that they can be the richest person in the world, and have everything they could want, but when they get it, they see differently. They aren't happy. They aren't content with themselves. They want more and more and more, until eventually, they can't get enough of anything, even more money.
These are the kind of people you have to learn from, because yes, they pursued what was important to them, but in the end, it never made them happy. Instead of chasing what's important to you, try chasing after what makes you really happy. Always remember, you can go back to chasing what is important to you at any time, but you only have one chance to be happy. Don't lose that opportunity. Go on, and chase it, and reach for that opportunity. Your future self will thank you.