From the the sky, back to me: My Motivation by Jackson

Jackson's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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From the the sky, back to me: My Motivation by Jackson - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

My name is Jackson Krell, a current senior at St Helena High School in California, and I believe motivation is an overall personal entity, not influenced by peers or rules of any sort. For me, motivation was born out of ambition and curiosity, as I believe it's the driving force behind not just mine, but many other individuals' immutable intent to learn, create, and grow. Overall, my motivation to pursue certain goals stems from two main sources: a desire for self-improvement and a fascination for unknown territories in Aerospace/Aeronautical, as well as Industrial Engineering.

The very definition of academics, I believe, belongs to the unique power it holds over each person. For me, the journey I traveled through my academics were never restricted to obtaining intelligence alone, but rather, seeking to develop essential traits that advance myself as a person. Every goal is a new puzzle, and every challenge encountered is a new invitation to persevere, adapt, and become the strongest version of myself I’ve always dreamed of. This process of learning and experiencing, to me, defines true success. Taking on challenging tasks, and becoming victorious in my struggles, has boosted my resilience and tenacity, ensuring success towards whatever goal I set my mind to.

With such motivational layers, I feel that focusing on my academics is less of a chore and more of a self-actualizing journey. As someone aspiring for a future in the Aerospace/Aeronautical industry, the various developing technologies in both sky and space present endless opportunities for new ideas. From my four years taking Agricultural Mechanics, I have learned every new concept learned: whether it be welding, computer-aided design, or electrical wiring: which are tools added to my engineering arsenal, readying me for the many days to come when I finally finish my education.

When trying to focus I tend to utilize a trait I have come to value more and more as the years go by. Mindfulness is something I run to in times of stress or distractions, and it assists me in averting negative influences: and has grounded me in the present moment so that I can focus on a specific task rather than letting a million distractions take me from the problem at hand. Not chained by past hesitations or future anxieties that I have struggled with, I direct my attention towards the current project. I am consistently aware that the past might bring regret and the future can be unnerving to think about. However, it's only by unshackling these burdens and focusing on the present that I can pave the way for my growth and bear any consequences from my past.

The way I try to maintain my motivation in pursuit of my academic goals is like piloting an aircraft high above the Earth's atmosphere - each bit of knowledge gained and skill set I am able to hone further propels me closer to the many successes and discoveries that I have yet to find.
