Should you be required to study abroad? by Jacenta

Jacentaof Sedro Woolley's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2016 scholarship contest

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Should you be required to study abroad? by Jacenta - March 2016 Scholarship Essay

This essay asks students if studying aboard should be required for college students. I believe you should be required to study abroad in college for three main reasons one is it give you a new view on your work, two everyone should travel, and three is it gives people a new experience..
One thing it can help in your academics is by giving you a new atmosphere to work with. You obtain new ideas by the new culture around you which can help you understand new concepts.
Studying abroad can also help you travel the world -which in my opinion everyone should- giving you a new look on life out side of your own little bubble that everyone creates for themselves with out knowledge. we get so caught up in our own little world that by traveling we are reminded there is more to life that how we have made our lives like.
The last reason that it should be required is because a very simply word called experience. Just imagine what it would be like to go and travel for your major and put your skills to the est. You get to go see new sights and meet exceptional new people on the way. Meet a new life long friend and try a new culture. You create unforgettable memories along the way.
This is why colleges should require you to study abroad for the the unforgettable moments, a chance to put your new skills into action, and to find out what another culture is like.
