Imani Henderson Varsity Tutors Essay by Imani

Imani's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Imani Henderson Varsity Tutors Essay by Imani - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

As a young black woman with a passion for computer science and social activism, I’ve encountered challenges in finding spaces that are specifically tailored to my interests and identity. Due to this, I am constantly seeking environments that provide opportunities for education and collaboration with like-minded peers. Attending a predominantly white high school, I found myself struggling to connect with people that shared my point of view. During my junior year, I took it upon myself to co-found Fort Mill High School’s Culture Coalition alongside a fellow student. This initiative was aimed at supporting ambitious students who faced similar struggles. Through Culture Coalition, we’ve been given the privilege of leading seminars on relevant topics within our school and community. We’ve also established networks with people that inspire us, and organized events for students such as resume workshops and volunteering.

Outside of school, I have a younger sister whom I strongly see my younger self in. Because of this I’m deeply passionate about educating young women of color and inspiring them to pursue their ambitions. I feel that this is especially important in fields such as technology where female representation is scarce. Because of this, I have taken it upon myself to create Fort Mill High School’s Culture Coalition. Through this club, we are given the chance to educate young women of color on finances, STEM, and other aspirations they wish to pursue. In turn, I would like to use my education to not only serve as representation, but an example of the attainability of success for young women of color such as my younger sister.

I aspire to work in the fields of data science, or software engineering, and I would like to use my college education to not only serve as representation, but an example of the attainability of success for young women of color such as my younger sister. Although I initially felt as though the adversities I was facing were out of my hands, I’ve realized through my endeavors that it is up to me to create the changes I wish to see. My education is not only imperative to my success in achieving my goals, but it will allow me to highlight the excellence and capability of many great minds waiting to be discovered. My motivation and discipline are truly the main factors that keep me focused in my studies, as I know that my hard work will pay off.
