Splendid Spanish by Hayleigh
Hayleighof Summerfield's entry into Varsity Tutor's September 2017 scholarship contest
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Splendid Spanish by Hayleigh - September 2017 Scholarship Essay
I have just begun my senior year in high school which means that I have had the opportunity to take several electives. Every class that I have taken has impacted my academic career, but one elective course that has stood out more than others is Spanish. Looking back, I can see that I have been looking forward to taking Spanish classes since I started my school career. At a young age I can recall my mother counting in Spanish and saying simple phrases that she learned from her one year of high school Spanish. It amazed me that she knew parts of another language and I could not wait to learn them too.
Fast forward to my freshman year and after years of waiting, I was finally able to take Spanish I. I enjoyed it immensely, so much so that I am now in my fourth year of Spanish. By taking this class, I have had the opportunity to begin to learn the basics of an incredible interesting language, as well as learn about the culture of many Spanish-speaking countries. The information my Spanish teacher has taught me has not only impacted my education in her class, but I have also been able to apply the cultural aspects of Spanish to both my history and English courses. Spanish was also the first class to show me how to use APA style citation, a skill which has been crucial in writing papers. I am a better writer and a better student because of my time spent in Spanish class.
Therefore, while I have taken numerable electives, none of them have impacted me or my education nearly as much as Spanish. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to study nations which I otherwise would have known little about, as well as the background knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries that I can apply to my other classes. Spanish has been a worthwhile course and I am a better student because of it.