Differences in teachers by Gianna

Gianna's entry into Varsity Tutor's September 2024 scholarship contest

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Differences in teachers by Gianna - September 2024 Scholarship Essay

Learning comes in many different ways including non-traditional ways along with traditional ways. The traditional way includes working in person with a teacher guiding you through assignments and teaching you different subjects including math, science, english, etc. ALong with non- traditional ways which every student in the year of 2020 experienced. No one has ever experienced learning like this before, with zoom meetings, no one attending in person school, and everything digital. This changed the learning world forever. Personally I was challenged with this non-traditional learning and had to learn to adapt to it on my own. As I was navigating my way through this non-traditional learning curve I learned to make reminders and timers. When it comes to school work and assignments, time is never on your side. Thanks to technology there are apps for reminding you of school work. My best personal advice is to use your phone for granted and not for distractions, as soon as I get home from school after activities I start on my assignments.

Over the past weeks we have been on summer break. I discovered Duolingo. Duolingo is an app that you can download on your phone for free and can learn any language you want. When I was in 6th grade I had to decide what language and I took Spanish which I do love. The only disadvantage is that my whole family is Italian and all speak Italian. Even though the languages are very close I still wanted to fully comprehend what everyone was saying. So over the summer I decided to learn italian. I have rapidly improved and I am currently working on my pronunciation of words. That is my way of using non- traditional learning while school isn't in session.
