Different Majors Different Ideas by Fernanda
Fernanda's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2024 scholarship contest
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Different Majors Different Ideas by Fernanda - March 2024 Scholarship Essay
No matter where you are, you are going to encounter someone who has different viewpoints than your own. Being able to work with anyone is a crucial skill everyone needs to develop. Even though I am aware of this, not everyone else is. As a Boise State University student my classes have me working with other people with different majors then my own. In college there is a large diversity between students.
I had the opportunity to do an interview project in my Camp migrant program. Our professor decided to pair us up randomly and build interview questions and then ask them to each other. I am a health studies major and my partner is an engineering major. I have never talked to him even though we had been in the same class the whole semester. When we worked together I shared some of my ideas of what should be said in an interview and he didn’t like my answers. He felt that he was better and I also felt the same. In the end we decided to take turns on choosing which answers were best based on our ideas.
I regretted this after because I felt we should’ve talked about it more before deciding which answer was correct. I felt intimidated by him because he felt confident about his answers. I learned to always talk it out before deciding even if it means having some disagreement. Who know maybe in the end we would’ve come to a better decision