Discovering Resilience, Cultivating Knowledge by Faith

Faith's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Discovering Resilience, Cultivating Knowledge by Faith - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

My name is Faith Savery, a rising college senior with a clear vision for my academic journey. I am currently a student at Boston University studying behavioral biology and biological anthropology. As I am pursuing two bachelors degrees, my path is not one reserved for the faint-hearted, given the sheer breadth of the curriculum, the rigors of lab work, and the demands on time and mental power. However, an intrinsic motivation that refuses to flicker out in the face of these challenges bolsters me. My drive stems from a fusion of personal experiences and a veracious thirst for knowledge itself.

As someone who has personally witnessed and experienced living and economic hardships, struggles have become as much a part of my life as my own reflection in the mirror. Seeing those in my community as well as myself and my family go through job loss, homelessness, and distressingly, the death of loved ones, has imbued in me an unshakeable awareness of the cruel adversities that life can hurl at us. These experiences have ultimately enlightened me of the need for resilience and the power of knowledge as a sustainable means of overcoming these personal and communal difficulties. Life's cruelties have been a grim, but significant motivator for the academic path that I have embarked on.

Pursuing these two degrees at Boston University is both an expression of my aspiration to actively seek knowledge and a declaration of my determination to utilize this knowledge for the benefit of those around me. The possibility of surgeoning into a resourceful person, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to contribute positively to the lives of everyday people, is a considerable driving force.

Of course, gaining and maintaining focus amidst the turbulence of life is a challenge in its own right, but it is one that I have faced and journeyed through with resilience. How then, do I stay focused? I believe it is a intertwine of both structure and passion. Structure comes in the form of a well-organized schedule, punctuated with strategic breaks for relaxation and self-care, to ensure a balanced and sustainable study regimen. Passion, on the other hand, stems from the profound satisfaction and curiosity I derive from diving into the depths of the biological world and the potential benefits the knowledge I gain from it can have on the lives of everyday people.

I cannot overstress my dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, specifically as it applies to the biological realm. As an empathetic member of society acutely aware of the dire hardships many face, I cannot understate my desire to use the knowledge I acquire to make an impactful change in people’s lives. Without a doubt, securing the Varsity Tutors College Scholarship would contribute significantly to this endeavor and my overall academic vision.

My journey toward my academic goals does not shy away from struggle; instead, it uses the grit born out of each challenge as a stepping stone toward resilience. In every lecture, every experiment, every article, I seek to find answers, not just for my personal academic gratification, but for the improvement of my community as well.

Indeed, it is the blend of my pursuit for knowledge and my desire to leverage this knowledge to assist the everyday people that motivate me in my academic journey. To me, the world is a problem-laden field, but armed with knowledge and resilience, I believe I'm well-equipped to be part of the solution.
