On an Odyssey to the Unknown by Ethan

Ethan's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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On an Odyssey to the Unknown by Ethan - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

I am Ethan Kaminsky, a rising freshman at the State University of New York at Buffalo and subsequently, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where I plan to major in Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering. It is oftentimes daunting for a person to tether their passion to an ambition as grand and adventurous as journeying to the final frontier - space. However, I am not just any individual, but an aspirant, fuelled by my desire to venture into territories unclaimed and conquer challenges unmet.

"What motivates you?" - a question posed frequently, carries for me a juxtaposition of inspiration hinged on uncharted territory and mankind's relentless thirst for knowledge. My motivation is rooted deeply within a yearning to traverse into the realm of the unknown, to set foot where no man has. Being the first astronaut to step on Mars, is not just a childhood fantasy, but a dream that is my guiding compass, shaping my academic journey.

Pursuing a major in Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering is both a deliberate and intuitive choice. I have always been fascinated by space, its vastness, the myriad celestial bodies - each holding mysteries yet undiscovered. There is a juxtaposition of beauty and danger, a dance between curiously enticing and intriguingly perilous in space; a balance that has captured my interest, yielding a sense of purpose. This transcendental connection I feel towards the cosmos has translated into my rigorous academic regimen, where I round off my high school years with a GPA of 3.9.

Living with the dream of such magnitude indeed comes with its challenges, both unique and ordinary. The unfathomable amount of hard work, consistent dedication, and the focus required to navigate the treacherous journey to unearth these enigmas, could deter many. However, it is here that I find my resolve tested and ultimately, fortified. This enduring spirit enables me to remain focused amidst complex equations, rigorous experiments, and gruelling simulations.

My journey to obtaining my academic goals does not merely constitute acing scholastic examinations. It runs far deeper, motivated by the prospect of contributing to humanity's cumulative knowledge. I recognize the importance of each class, each lesson, understanding that each equation takes me a step closer to my dream, and perhaps, mankind’s next significant achievement.

Different students draw inspiration from different sources, but for me, the vision of helping humankind take that next big leap, perhaps, literally, serves as the ultimate motivator. This has been the driving force that ensures sustenance of my focus, even during the most challenging academic phases.

Looking ahead, I see myriad minibus hurdles and monumental difficulties. Yet, I also see potential for incredible triumphs, profound discoveries, and a possibility for a chapter of history with my name inscribed within it. In my pursuit of setting foot where none have, I am merely a vessel, navigating the course of human curiosity and aspiration. This to me is not only motivation but also a responsibility that fuels my academic pursuits.

Thus, as I stand on the precipice of my college journey, my gaze remains transfixed at the stars, my dreams resonating in the depths of the cosmos, echoing back the words of T.S. Eliot, "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go". Towards that risk, I stride forth undeterred, with unwavering focus and eager anticipation: for it is the call of discovery that aligns my academic endeavours, the pulse of the unknown that dictates the rhythm of my commitment.
