My Dream Job by Elizabeth

Elizabethof JARRELL's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2019 scholarship contest

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Elizabeth of JARRELL, TX
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My Dream Job by Elizabeth - February 2019 Scholarship Essay

I’ve never been one of those kids that knew what they were going to do from the age of six. Throughout the years I was sure that I was gonna be a vet, an OBGYN, a midwife, a detective, and a forensic reconstructionist. Each of these was based on a fascination with Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, and Bones. I also was observing the adults around me to see what jobs made them happy.
My mom and I have always been close. We live about 50 minutes away from where I go to school and she works, so we spend a lot of time together. Everyday for years, she was miserable in her job. Coincidentally, she worked across the street from my school, so I could come and see her whenever I liked. One day she asked me if I would be upset if she switched jobs. I told her that if it would make her happier, then I could stand being farther apart.
So, she went to work for a local hospital chain as a hospital data analyst. She was soon promoted to manager and came home everyday thrilled to tell me all about her day. She would tell me how her job was to analyze things like how many pre-op patients a hospital has versus how many post-op patients and how this analysis can help improve the way they work. Telling my friends about this would result in kind smiles and polite return to normal conversations, but I loved it.
So, to answer the question, I would like a job that gets me just as thrilled as my mom gets talking about seemingly boring stuff. I’m hoping to go into the same field as she did, but I’m open to exploration. One thing I do know is that I’ll keep looking until I find it.
