It's Important to be Involved, But Not Too Involved by David

Davidof West Lafayette's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2019 scholarship contest

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David of West Lafayette, IN
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It's Important to be Involved, But Not Too Involved by David - June 2019 Scholarship Essay

I was at an academic boot camp during the summer of 2018 at Purdue and there was a group of about 20 of us. We were all a group of underrepresented people and the purpose of the boot camp was to give us a feel of what college was going to be like. Mrs. Toni was the coordinator of the program and is the Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Diversity.
It was sometime during those 5 weeks in the summer where I remember her saying that it's good to be involved in extracurricular like clubs but we should be careful with balancing clubs with our schoolwork. She then told us of a student that she had who was a smart person but they overloaded themselves with clubs and then they started struggling with school and eventually dropped out because their grades had suffered a lot and weren't able to keep them up.
In high school, I wasn't really involved with any clubs, I just played soccer during my freshman year and was reluctant to join any clubs. Then, Fall semester started and I had some help from one of the camp counselors who was a senior to join a club called the LSU (Latinx Student Union) where I was a general member to see what it was like. Then, for Spring semester I decided to join a club that was associated with my major. This club was called ATEaM (Aeronautical Technology: Engineering and Maintenance). We then had elections for that club and I ran for secretary. I got the position and was exited and a bit nervous because that was the first time that I ran for a position for a club.
So now I'm in two clubs and for this coming Fall semester I'll see how I handle both these clubs and schoolwork. And if I'm able to handle them comfortably then I might consider joining another club that's more fun than academically focused because it's important to take a breather from school every once and a while.
Mrs. Toni definitely had quite the impact with the way I approached my college education because she told us that being overloaded with work happens to the best of us and we should be aware of balancing school with extracurricular clubs. I was also reluctant to join any clubs especially after hearing Mrs. Toni's story but I knew that I had to and kept telling myself that it would be fun and to experience something new.
