Informal Education: Efficiency Matters by Claire

Claire's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2024 scholarship contest

  • Rank: 6
  • 8 Votes
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Informal Education: Efficiency Matters by Claire - June 2024 Scholarship Essay

Everybody’s different. It’s something that most people have been taught since a young age, and for good reason. Knowing this concept helps people to understand that since every person is unique, their approaches to different things will also differ. For example, learning at school with one teacher may make one student prosper, but another student may find that teacher’s style challenging. This doesn’t mean that the second student is less valuable, just that they think differently. A common and helpful solution to this problem is informal education. For me, utilizing informal education such as online videos and help from my peers has helped me to do well in school by helping me to be more self reliant.
By learning early on that informal education can be used to help my understanding of difficult topics, I was able to jump ahead in my academic success. This was because I was able to take advantage of a multitude of different resources available to me. If this hadn’t been something I could’ve done, then I would’ve been constricted in my learning.
Informal education has helped me in my academic career by helping me comprehend topics at school at a more efficient pace. This is important when time is a valuable entity. Hopefully others will also take advantage of this useful recourse available to the common person.
