Right on Time by Chase

Chaseof Union City's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2019 scholarship contest

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Chase of Union City, CA
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Right on Time by Chase - April 2019 Scholarship Essay

Society has a variety of charts and statistics to determine when a person should do what to measure if they are on track. Guidelines are useful because they give an estimation but sometimes it eliminates people who move to different beat. In the 3rd grade, I was diagnosed with a learning disability, primary speech, and language impairment and established an I.E.P. This has been obstacle I have had to overcome my entire life, however, it’s been a blessing. Although, I struggled the majority of my elementary years, I never gave up. I learned to turn lemons into lemonade because my disability forced me to be an advocate for myself and to seek out help. Even though, the simplest of task was a struggle for me, I always held on the notion that I could figure it out if I just kept trying. Once I was diagnosed, I never used this new classification as an excuse to take an easier route. I continue to fight even when the odds are against me. But more importantly, I’m never afraid or embarrassed to fail if I’ve done my best. I attribute this persistence to my self-awareness of my weaknesses. My I.E.P. has motivated me to persevere and push through even when things are difficult. My drive and determination were ignited the moment I was told I probably would not be successful throughout my academic career. I take pride in being tenacious and use it to propel me through life. I’m now confident in my abilities to follow my own path, to stand up for myself and to be successful regardless of the naysayers. I embrace the way I learn differently. I know that taking a different, and sometimes longer route, doesn’t make me less than. The race is not given to the swift or strong but to those who endure to the end. I am graduating with 3.7 GPA and I'm right on time.
