Informal Education and Its Impact on My Success by Cassidy

Cassidy's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2024 scholarship contest

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Informal Education and Its Impact on My Success by Cassidy - June 2024 Scholarship Essay

Throughout my life, informal education has taught me lessons that have become guiding principles. Simple advice like "Go to the restroom while you have a chance" and "If there's a seat available, sit down" have taught me to seize opportunities and make the most of resources. Accepting a breath mint when offered is usually subtly informing you that your breath smells. The mantra, "If you ask, they might say yes. But if you don't, it's always a no" encouraged me to take risks and embrace rejection in life. Realizing that "Not making a decision IS making a decision" underscores the significance of proactive choices and taking control of your future. Despite the many ways informal education has impacted me, I’ve found that the most educational lessons arise during our most difficult times. Through confronting those challenges you are forced to develop skills and perspectives that are necessary to reach your full potential.

After a devastating breakup that left me isolated, severely depressed, and at rock bottom, I found myself without friends and support spending months in one of the darkest periods of my life. I had multiple emergency room visits, Baker Acts, and therapy appointments and felt like a shadow of myself. And before you think I’m crazy, I'm not, but I may have been a little off the walls. I promise that my reactions were mild, considering the way I felt on the inside. I felt and experienced the ugliest and most evil part of humanity feeling like utter garbage and believing all I did was burden and ruin lives. I felt extraordinarily isolated and lonely having, for the first time in my life, absolutely no one to turn to believing that I was to blame for it all.

While there is no essay or paper I could write that could fully capture the depth of this painful period, it taught me valuable lessons. This experience forced me to rebuild myself from the ground up, teaching me how to love myself and be happy on my own. Previously, my self-worth was dependent on others' opinions and I altered myself to fit into other people's perceived version of perfection, leaving me feeling like an outcast. I wouldn’t wish this experience on my worst enemy. However, enduring this nightmare was a transformative experience that taught me resilience and spurred immense personal growth. I was forced to adapt, learn how to be okay on my own, love myself, and be myself, shifting my view of the world around me.

This period taught me that challenges are opportunities for personal growth. They guide us toward a more fulfilling life, teaching patience and resilience, guiding us towards a better, more fulfilling life. They force us to be uncomfortable and change us for the better, teaching us that true happiness doesn't come from material or superficial things, but from overcoming life’s obstacles. Even daunting challenges, like losing a job or loved one, can pave the way for new opportunities and positive experiences. This nontraditional learning experience strengthened my belief that I can overcome any challenge life presents, showed me the strength and resilience I have and saw the importance of making memories and finding joy rather than dwelling on the bad.

Experiencing this part of my life helped me develop critical life skills. I became adept at managing my emotions, setting personal goals, and developing a strong sense of self. I saw the importance of seeking help and perseverance. I embraced authenticity, refusing to apologize for being myself. I worked harder and didn't apologize for being imperfectly me. I didn't tether my self-worth to someone not laughing at my jokes or to someone who found me weird for talking about conspiracy theories. I met new people and expanded my horizons. For the first time in my life, I had the freedom to find myself and to reach my full potential without being controlled by others' expectations. I interacted with more people and through various jobs, adventures, and encounters, my perspective on the world was broadened. I made lifelong memories and learned valuable lessons that I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Each interaction provided unique insights and taught me the importance of empathy and understanding leading to my success in my academics and professional experiences.

This informal educational experience has been integral to my success and happiness. It taught me the importance of approaching problems with a well-rounded perspective and understanding everyone’s needs and situations in their lives. I have developed a broader understanding of the world around me and now view things from the perspective of the bigger picture. While formal education serves as the cornerstone of success in careers and academics, informal education is crucial for our overall success and happiness in life. We all face challenges and hard times, but persevering and adapting to current circumstances helps us develop and prepare for the future, forcing us to be resilient and self-reliant and reminding us of the areas we need to develop. I believe that all of life’s challenges are informal education experiences that teach us the most. These experiences, along with future challenges and obstacles, are essential for our personal fulfillment and navigating life's complexities. They provide lessons and perspectives that guide us to a fulfilling and happy life, something that formal education often cannot do.
