The Time My Entire World Changed by Carys

Carys's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2024 scholarship contest

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The Time My Entire World Changed by Carys - March 2024 Scholarship Essay

I was raised in a liberal, atheist household. My parents taught me to speak up for others, be open-minded, and love those different from myself. Our bookshelves were full of diverse texts and I had participated in several protests by the time I was in high school. My parents were not religious. My Dad had left the church after I was baptized and never returned. Religion was talked about often in my house, but not in a good way. My family members believed that many religious people were exclusive, unaccepting, and often hateful.
In my junior year of high school, I was struggling with anxiety. I had new responsibilities and realized how soon I would be moving out. Then, I met this girl who was so filled with life and happiness and I had no clue where she got it from. She was so at peace with the world and all of the horrendous, crazy things that happen in it. Although we had opposing political beliefs, we had incredible, eye-opening conversations. I soon found out that she was Catholic.
I was shocked. This young, Latina woman, who was so open-minded and loving, was the exact opposite of everything I had been told about Catholics. If her Jesus had brought her this much happiness and peace, maybe I could have it too. Thus, I began my journey in my faith. I found an entire community of amazing, energetic people who want to spread love, not hate.
When my family found out that I wanted to enter the Catholic church, they freaked out. They so fiercely wanted to protect me from everything they thought they knew, that they ended up hurting me in the process. Questions, comments, and actions had never hurt like this before. But this thing that I loved so much was not going to be taken from me that easily. I knew that if I had brought a girl home and came out as gay, I would have been accepted right away. So why did my family, who claimed to be open-minded and accepting, have such a hard time accepting the fact that I believed in a God who loved me?
Slowly, they began to come around. My family began to see the change in me; from a lonely anxious girl to a confident bubbly woman. I still have conversations with them where all I do is defend myself and this faith. However, I am not afraid to show the real me anymore. I challenged a long-standing belief in my family because they had taught me to ask questions and be nonjudgemental. By standing up for myself and what I believed in, I also challenged their thoughts and ideas.
