Podcast On Creation and Science Working Together by Bethany

Bethanyof Angwin's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2018 scholarship contest

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Bethany of Angwin, CA
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Podcast On Creation and Science Working Together by Bethany - August 2018 Scholarship Essay

If I could make a Popular Educational Podcast to make a subject more interesting I would choose to tie together Biology ,Evolution ,and Creation. The reason for this is many people find science and creation a boring subject, but Biology covers many parts of life and how we connect on a cellular and molecular structure level. Biology proves we are the same because you can not tell by someones DNA, which is everyones genetic makeup, what color their skin is or what country they are from proving we are all genetically made up the same. Yes it can tell if you may inherit some disease but it proves human beings are all the same.
I love the subject of Biology,Evolution,and Biblical studies, because when you study them all together things start to make sense. I am working my way from CNA to Registered Nurse in Pacific Union College ,being this is a christian centered school, I am excited to bring together these topics for a new look on how things work and the truth to our creation.
One of the first thing you learn in Biology is you can NEVER spawn a cell without another cell first being present. This is impossible according to biology and says this several times at the beginning of most Biology books I have read. It then says how the first cell is the ONLY exception to this which is a complete controversy to what it tells you to the basic fundamentals of how biology works. This means there Must have been a first cell that divided to make many others.
Evolution talks of the Big Bang and how creatures came out of the water and earth and evolved into the animals we know today . When you read the story of creation in the Bible it also speaks of light being brought fourth when God said "Let there be light". This can not mean the sun because it clearly states the the Lord brought forth the sun moon and stars on the fourth day "a greater light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night" . As far as creatures being brought forth from the waters and earth the Bible also states these things saying Genesis 1:20" and God said"Let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowel(birds) that may fly above the earth" stating that creatures came from the water and birds too. This completely reaffirms what Evolution states. It then goes to say God said "Let the earth bring forth living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping thing"Genesis 1:24. This states that the cattle came from the earth just like evolution talks of but has no missing link to us going from apes to humans. The only way any of this makes sense is when we put it together.
To conclude these three subjects have more than meets the eye and can not be seperated in order for creation and life as a whole to make since.
