School Group Struggle by Austin
Austin's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2024 scholarship contest
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School Group Struggle by Austin - March 2024 Scholarship Essay
In school and life, there will always be someone who has a differing opinion from your own. With this being a regularity for many, it is an important skill to learn how to work with those unlike yourself and to work cohesively together to find conclusions that satisfy everyone's beliefs.
School is a main hub for controversy in the classroom, whether that be within the higher-ups or on a group project in class. For me, though, the higher I go in classes, the more group projects I have to participate in. In order to succeed and for my own grade to flourish, it is important to hear out my peers in a way that produces a result that cohesively displays ideas from many different voices and backgrounds.
I may not agree with some of my peer's ideas, but I like color and illustration, compared to most of my history class does not and wants a more black and white style. While I may not agree with or appeal to me, a conclusion must be drawn to deal with their opinions on producing the best final product. Little things like that can be disagreed on and looked at differently, along with more significant things like political beliefs. In today's society and the political landscape, it's almost a daily experience of feuds or disagreements in public. I see this in the classroom every day, with touchy subjects having to be taught in subjects like AP World; it may be hard for me to agree with some people's opinions on specific topics in the first place and then have to work with that same person. But the ultimate goal is to show our knowledge in a way that can be historically correct and tend to many audiences.
Experiences like these and those I have in the classroom help me learn and listen more carefully, keeping an open mind to other topics that I may not have initially agreed with or looked into. Having an open mind is a vital life skill, allowing for a more educated mindset and easier relationships.