The Freedom of Leadership by Aubrey
Aubrey's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2024 scholarship contest
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The Freedom of Leadership by Aubrey - May 2024 Scholarship Essay
To me, leadership means freedom. Freedom from fear, anxiety, and doubts. Before I experienced any leadership roles in my life I was a shy timid person who did not, and would not, speak up for herself. After serving as a Distributive Education Clubs of America Chapter President, National Honor Society Chapter Vice President, and on student council, I finally obtained the skills that set me free. I learned how to explore my own identity. To embrace my quirks and own my differences. No great leaders fit the generally accepted version of “normal” anyways. The greatest part of leadership though is guiding others in owning their own natural abilities and identities. After breaking free from the cage of fear about one's own self, wanting to help others do the same is a desperate feeling.
So easy is it to be comfortable in the world of fear. Fear after all is what keeps people from leading. After breaking through your own fear though, it is excruciating to see extraordinary people live in that world of fear with a false sense of comfortability. How horrible and boring would our world be if the greatest artists, musicians, scientists, and politicians just decided to abandon their ambition to create something beautiful? The majority of great things come from those that pushed aside their fears and decided to lead others to create something amazingly new. Whenever you feel that call to lead, respond. If you choose not to simply due to fear, consider the severe injustice you may be awarding the universe. Leadership is the greatest self-investment that personally I, and I hope many others, have ever made.