A Luncheon with Mr. President by Ariana

Arianaof Vallejo's entry into Varsity Tutor's October 2017 scholarship contest

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Ariana of Vallejo, CA
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A Luncheon with Mr. President by Ariana - October 2017 Scholarship Essay

To be able to sit down with any of our presidents would be a great, humbling experience. Getting to hear their perspective on the way history unfolded during their terms is something you could not get everyday. A president I would choose to sit down with would have to be John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy has served our country greatly and made so many things possible today. To be able to discuss historical events like his strides to equal pay no matter what gender an individual was or just the fact that he was the youngest person to be elected president.
I’d be ecstatic to be able to discuss with Mr. Kennedy on what he was thinking when he decided to make strives towards the Civil Rights Movement. As he continued to support equal rights for all, he provided us with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. His efforts within the government was also appealing. As he signed Executive Order of 10925, he made the notion of making it clear that government contractors to take affirmative action so that all employees will be treated equally with upmost respect.
I also would not mind going back to JFK’s history with Marilyn Monroe. Although he has done a lot for our country, it is interesting to think about his personal life back then and his relationship to Ms. Monroe. As I type, I can already hear Marilyn singing happy birthday to JFK. Like a lot of others, I have wondered if the rumor of their affair was true. And if so, why did he do it?
Another mystery to uncover would obviously be his assassination. I would want to know what his thoughts are on what was going through his mind that day he was murdered. I want to know what his last thoughts were. It is sad to think of a man who did so much to make a greater change in our society suffered a death like that. However, he did not die in vein.
John F. Kennedy spoke up against racism and for women’s rights for equal pay. Although it may not be equal today, I still commend him for all of the efforts that he did to help our country and people grow as a whole. Thanks to JFK, the many generations that will remember his efforts of spreading equality in our nation.
