Education Leads to Prosperity by Angel

Angelof Woodstock's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2018 scholarship contest

Congratulations to our scholarship winner!
  • Rank: 1
  • 10 Votes
Angel Ortega
Woodstock, IL
April 2018

Education Leads to Prosperity by Angel - April 2018 Scholarship Essay

The definition of prosperity is a “successful, flourishing, or thriving condition” according to the dictionary. Having an education is more than just attending class, we have to work to get an education. As a gay latino student, education means more to me than most things in life, like playing video games or my phone. If I was told to describe education in one hashtag, it would have to be #Prosperity. I say this not for the reason that school itself is truly prosperous around the world, but that the education we receive allows any of us to be prosperous -no matter the color of our skin, our sexuality, our gender, our origin, and so forth- simply because we are more solidified for success.
My education for me is a crucial part of my life because it allows me to flourish as a scholar and as a person. Education has enriched my mind with the knowledge that both interest me and challenges me leading up to an ambition for more. Education has especially flourished me to be a more noble person. Education has also taught me that there is inequality and injustice committed decades and even centuries ago that are continued today. It is seen on the news: minorities being discriminated, the lgbtq+ being harassed, immigrants being labeled, and many more issues such as these. It is disgraceful. Education is prosperous because I have flourished as a person; I have begun to help many different events and people no matter who benefits: like the homeless, blood drives, with struggling students, and many more. I will continue to grow as long as I continue my studies.
Most important, education allows prosperity because it allows any person to thrive if they take the opportunity to learn. If a child attempts to work on their education then they will learn. If they are educated, they are prepared to take what they have learned and implement it into the real world. For example, their relationships with people, their jobs, their salaries, etc can be positively affected by their education. They are thus thriving in life because of education. This is very important to me because I have started with very little in my life and my own education is steadily helping me overcome my personal obstacles. Education is placing me on the right path to a better future.
Even though, not all students, like me, have the opportunity to study at the best schools. At the end of the long race of education, we are more than well-prepared scholars. We have flourished to become smarter and better people, we are thriving in our own lives and we have made it clear that we have succeeded in life. All of this because the education retained has helped us prosper in life.