Different Outlook by Adrianna

Adriannaof Hillsboro's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2019 scholarship contest

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Adrianna of Hillsboro, OR
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Different Outlook by Adrianna - April 2019 Scholarship Essay

In October of 2013 I was diagnosed with Retinal Vascular Uveitis. This means I have extremely large amounts of inflammation in all parts of my eyes which quickly causes vision loss if untreated. I have been battling this condition for over five years now. The medication list is endless as everything has been prescribed from oral medications, infusions, and even a spinal tap at one point. These medications often include symptoms of migraines, headaches, fatigue, weariness, and lowered immune system. This leads to me getting sick easily making school difficult to attend at times. The tests done as well prohibit me from functioning properly as getting my eyes dilated makes school hard to accomplish and the lumbar punctures that I have had done cause me to not be able to stand and have nausea.

My eyesight is essential for me to achieve my life goals and earn a degree in my heart’s desired field of work. Having experienced partial blindness and peripheral blindness, school has not always been easy. Reading became extremely difficult to the point of where looking at the board was impossible. Walking up and down stairs was scary as I felt I would trip at any moment. I also could no longer read any of the books assigned to us. Due to this grades quickly went down in classes as the course work took me much longer to complete.

AP Calculus AB was a class that suffered as the course work, which was already heavy, became almost impossible to maintain. My grade was an F for some time as I advocated for myself with the teacher on other ways to learn besides reading. I now have a C in the class and plan to raise the grade even higher by using these other means of learning; auditory lessons, technology, enlarged writing etc. This obstacle in my life has been one of the hardest to adapt to and overcome as it threatens everything I have been working so hard for. School has been a daily challenge but persevering and remembering the bigger goal is how I have continued to succeed. I may not be able to overcome my eyesight issues itself but I have overcome the desire to quit and give up. The support of my teachers, friends, and family have all helped me to overcome this obstacle and excel in my academics.
