Trials and Tribulations by Aaliayah

Aaliayah's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Trials and Tribulations by Aaliayah - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

Growing up in Cleveland, amidst its urban hustle, I was ingrained with the tenacity of its people. I come from a low middle class family , and our lifestyle in Cleveland was modest but our bond was really tight. However, the promise of a better future that higher education could provide was a beacon that guided me. Now that I am on that path, the genesis of my motivation to pursue my academic goals, and my will to stay focused, comes from an unexpected source - my little brother back home.

My little brother looked up to me as his role model, insisting that my ambitions inspired him. His statement was not just a compliment but a heartfelt prompting that resonated within me. It ignited in me a desire to pursue my dreams tirelessly, and more importantly, to prove to him that anything can be achieved with unwavering determination and hard work. Every step I take is not just for me, but to pave the path for him and to show him a different lifestyle from the one we were accustomed to.

Two years ago, a significant turning point in my life led me to move to Southern California. The opportunity to live with my grandmother offered a new perspective on life and my future goals. As I embark on my journey as a rising freshman at California State University - Dominguez Hills, I am keenly aware of my responsibility to achieve. My focus is on my major, Business Administration, a career path that melds my knack for organization, planning, and calculated risks with my interest in the commerce world.

The challenges of transitioning to a new environment, and staying on top of my academics, require a keen sense of discipline and management. In this bid, maintaining a structured routine has been the cornerstone of my success. Whether it’s setting aside time specifically for coursework, or assigning periods for relaxation and self-care, this routine allows me to balance my academic pursuits with my mental well-being.

Another essential factor that keeps me focused is the support system I've embraced in Southern California. My grandmother's unwavering faith in me serves as my constant encouragement. Moreover, turning to my friends and mentors when faced with academic hurdles helps me gain fresh perspectives on problem-solving.

The academic journey is no less than a roller coaster ride, filled with uphill struggles and moments of exhilarating triumph. Pursuing my dreams under the close scrutiny of my role model, my little brother, adds an element of complexity to it. However, my resolve remains unshaken; I am motivated to achieve academic success and demonstrate to him, and myself, that no hurdle is too high if you have the determination to overcome it.

Forging ahead, I aim to be an exemplary figure for my little brother and shed light on the potential that higher education holds, regardless of our previous lifestyle. My structured routines, supportive environment, and intrinsic motivation constantly fuel my quest for academic achievement. Thus, I believe I am a deserving candidate for the Varsity Tutors College Scholarship Contest, as my journey symbolizes the spirit of overcoming odds and breaking barriers.
