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All SAT II Spanish Resources
Learning a new language can be very difficult, and if you took the initiative to learn Spanish in high school or in your free time, then showing the colleges you want to attend what you learned in your Spanish classes is a great idea. Earning a high score on the SAT II Spanish Subject Test can help you show the colleges you hope to attend that you have solid Spanish language skills. If you perform well on the test, some colleges may even take it into consideration and allow you to test-out of their language class requirements. In addition, some colleges take SAT Subject Test scores into consideration when considering which applicants are a good fit for their limited admittance programs.
Before taking this test, it is important to perform some SAT II Spanish review to make sure you remember the Spanish vocabulary, sentence construction, and other Spanish language concepts that the test will quiz you on. To prepare, take advantage of the full suite of Varsity Tutors' Learning Tools free study help materials. The Learning Tools Flashcards for SAT II Spanish are great to study with when you don't have time to sit down and take a full practice exam. These free flashcards online can be accessed on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, so you can use them on-the-go.
The full set of SAT II Spanish study flashcards can be practiced all at once or you can click on one of the smaller subsets that are broken down into specific Spanish language concepts you need a little more practice with. Concepts covered in the smaller sets include Spanish numbers, Spanish verbs, and several others.
You can also take advantage of the Learning Tools flashcards builder to create your own Spanish study flashcards. To access this tool, you simply click on the “Create Tests & Flashcards” icon, and you will then be led step-by-step through the process of creating your own deck of flashcards. First, the flashcards maker will prompt you to give your new deck of cards a name. Then, you will be directed right to the blank flashcards templates where you can begin entering your own questions and answers. Don't worry about having to enter new information into the flashcard creator every time you use it, because you can save your deck to use for SAT II Spanish test-preparation anytime you want to pull it up until test day.
While you can study the flashcards leisurely, it is a good idea to also time yourself while practicing them to see how quickly you can answer the questions. The official SAT II Spanish Subject Test contains 85 multiple-choice questions that you have just one hour to complete. Some will be based on sentences, but others may require you to read an entire passage before answering questions related to it.
The SAT II Spanish Subject test can be challenging, so make sure you prepare for it to make sure you can sit down on test day with confidence in your Spanish language skills!
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