NCLEX : Identifying OB/GYN Conditions

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Example Question #1011 : Nclex

A 24 year old primigravida client has just given birth to a Rh positive child and she herself is Rh negative. The nurse recognizes this situation can lead to future problems in terms of future pregnancies due to this blood type mismatch. 

All of the following are associated with Rh factor incompatibility except __________.

Possible Answers:

May lead to fetal anemia and lead to an acceleration of red blood cell production if the mother is not given Rho-D immune globulin to prevent antibodies from destroying fetal blood cells.

A major effect of Rh incompatibility is an increased risk of blood clotting and thrombosis in the fetus during subsequent pregnancies

The mother will form IgG and IgM antibodies in response to being exposed to a fetus' incompatible blood type. 

The mixing of fetal blood with maternal blood may occur during an amniocentesis or early seperation of the placenta during birth. 

Kernicterus is a potentially serious effect due to pathological jaundice that can have long lasting neurological effects on the child if not prevented. 

Correct answer:

A major effect of Rh incompatibility is an increased risk of blood clotting and thrombosis in the fetus during subsequent pregnancies


Blood clots are not a common effect in the fetus due to Rh incompatibility. A disorder known as erythroblastosis fetalis is a type of hemolytic disease that occurs in the fetus due to an immune reaction of the Rh negative mother and an Rh positive fetus. All other choices are associated with this type of incompatibility.

Example Question #41 : Obstetrics And Gynecological Conditions

Which type of abortion is associated with sepsis, cramping, abdominal tenderness and an open cervical os?

Possible Answers:

Threatened abortion

Complete abortion

Inevitable abortion

Spontaneous abortion

Missed abortion

Correct answer:

Missed abortion


A missed abortion is marked by the death of the fetus in utero but is not expelled from the uterus. If left untreated can lead to infection in the womb, it is marked by foul odor and bleeding as well as an elevated temperture and sepsis. 

Example Question #41 : Obstetrics And Gynecological Conditions

Which of the following statements is true about a hydatidiform molar pregnancy?

Possible Answers:

A molar pregnancy can proceed without incident once Rho-D immune globulin is administered to the mother. 

A hydatidiform molar pregnancy is reported to cause malignancy in approximately 60% of cases. 

An ultraound usually reveals a mass resembling a "cluster of grapes", and a blood test will reveal a positive pregnancy result due to elevated HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone.

The cause of a molar pregnancy is due multiple ovum becoming fertized and coalescing to form a cluster of atypical cells containing a haploid number of chromosomes. 

A molar pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy in need of dilation and curratage to prevent internal hemorrhaging or possible hysterectomy.

Correct answer:

An ultraound usually reveals a mass resembling a "cluster of grapes", and a blood test will reveal a positive pregnancy result due to elevated HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone.


A hydatidiform molar pregnancy is mostly a benign process that may occur due to an abnormal ovum becoming fertilized and growing into collection of cells in a cluster like formation. They are benign over 80% of the time. Rho-D immune globulin is a medication administered to an Rh negative mother that will give birth to a second Rh positive child to prevent an immune reaction that may harm the child. 

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