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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Social Institutions And Norms
Regarding mores, which of the following is false?
Anomie can result when an individual acts outside given mores
Mores are a result of socialization
None of these are false
Taboos arise from violation of mores
Tipping your waiter is considered a more
None of these are false
Mores, in sociology, refer to social norms and expectations that govern morality and ethics within a given culture. Folkways refer to minor variances in mores, while taboos result from major disruptions. Tipping your waiter would be considered a more; using the air conditioner during winter would be considered a folkway; striking a child would be considered a taboo. Mores develop based on cultural exposure during the process of socialization. Socialization refers to the development of social expectations based on an individual's experiences with their environment. Anomie results when an individual's personal social standards and actions fall outside of the mores of their given society, generally resulting in stigma.
Example Question #24 : Group Behavior And Sociological Phenomena
In 1946, the World Health Organization defined "health" at the International Health Conference, held in New York. The definition was entered into force in 1948 and has not been amended since.
According to the World Health Organization, what is the defintion of health?
Health is the building block of human society.
Health is the absence of disease.
Health is the right not to be sick.
Health is required for human equality.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health to include well-being and not just the absence of disease. Thus the answer is not the absence of disease. The WHO believes that health is a right, but does not state that health is the right not to be sick. Everyone becomes sick at one time or another. The WHO would not argue with the notion that health is required for equality (though the WHO would likely prefer the word equity), but would not use this as a definition of health. First and foremost, health is about well-being.
Example Question #2 : Social Institutions And Norms
Which of the following is not a commonly recognized social institution?
All of these are recognized social institutions
All of these are recognized social institutions
Social institutions are the various contexts within which individuals participate in social interactions. Each social institution is governed by a slightly different set of rules and expectations; for example, one would act differently when conversing with one's mother than when conversing with a police officer. Government, family, education, and religion are all widely recognized and taught social institutions.
All MCAT Social and Behavioral Sciences Resources