All ISEE Middle Level Math Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #391 : Data Analysis And Probability
The mean of a set is . What is the missing value?
The equation for the average would be
To work backwards you must first multiple both sides by .
This gives us .
To solve for , you must subtract all the other values from
This gives us an answer of .
Example Question #391 : Data Analysis
The above set represents the numbered cards in a standard deck of cards. What value is missing?
The numbered cards in a deck range from to
Since is not in the above set, it is the missing NUMBER card from the deck.
King and Ace are incorrect choices as they are called face cards in a deck of cards.
Example Question #23 : How To Find The Missing Part Of A List
What number replaces the circle in the sequence below?
Add 5 to the first element to get the second element. The increment increases by two with each successive entry. The pattern can be seen below:
- this is the correct response
This is confirmed by noting:
Example Question #392 : Data Analysis
Refer to the above diagram. The top row gives a sequence of figures. Which figure on the bottom row comes next, thereby replacing the question mark?
Figure (d)
Figure (a)
Figure (b)
Figure (c)
Figure (a)
There are three things going on with these patterns.
First, the number of dots in the pattern is increasing by one, so there must be four dots in the correct choice. However, this does not eliminate any of the choices.
Second, the sector that included the dots alternates between lower right and upper left, so the correct choice must have its dots in the upper left sector. This eliminates figures (c) and (d) and leaves (a) and (b) as possible choices.
Third, the shaded sector is rotating clockwise. The shaded sector in the correct choice must be the one at the lower left, thereby eliminating (b) and leaving (a) as the correct choice.
Example Question #393 : Data Analysis
On the top row in the above diagram is a sequence of figures. Which of the figures in the bottom row is the next one in the sequence?
Figure (a)
Figure (b)
Figure (d)
Figure (c)
Figure (c)
Taking only shapes into account, the sequence is:
Triangle, circle, square,
Triangle, circle, square,
Triangle, ?
To continue the cycle, the next shape must be a circle.
Now, taking only coloration into account, the sequence is:
Left half shaded, unshaded,
Top half shaded, unshaded,
Left half shaded, unshaded,
Top half shaded, ?
To continue the cycle, the next shape must be unshaded.
Therefore, the correct choice is the unshaded circle, Figure (c).
Example Question #394 : Data Analysis
On the top row in the above diagram is a sequence of figures. Which of the figures in the bottom row is the next one in the sequence?
Figure (d)
Figure (a)
Figure (c)
Figure (b)
Figure (b)
Taking only shapes into account, the sequence is:
Triangle(s), square(s). circle(s),
Triangle(s), square(s). circle(s),
To continue the pattern, the next figure must comprise one or two squares.
Taking only number and color of shapes into account, the sequence is
One white, one black over one white, one black, one white over one black,
One white, One black over one white, one black,...
To continue the pattern, the next figure must comprise one white shape over one black.
Therefore, the correct choice is one white square over one black square, which is Figure (b).
Example Question #395 : Data Analysis And Probability
What number replaces the square in the sequence below?
The way to get from one entry of the sequence to the next alternates between multiplying by two and adding one, as follows:
Continuing the pattern:
, the correct choice.
Example Question #1 : Median
On the last day of school, Adam asked each of his classmates how many days of school they missed for the entire school year. He created a stem-and-leaf plot with the information.
0 | 0 0 2 4 5 6 8
1 | 0 0 1 2
2 | 3
4 | 7
What is the median number of school days missed by Adam's classmates?
In a stem-and-leaf plot, each number on the right side of the vertical lines is a piece of data. For instance, the "4 | 7" means one student missed 47 days(!) of school. Each number on the left of the line represents the ten's digit, and each number on the right of the line represents the one's digit.
We can find the total number of classmates by counting the numbers on the right side of the vertical lines, which in this case is 13.
The median of a group of data represents the physical middle of the data.
If there is an even number of pieces of data, you take the middle two pieces of data, add them up, and divide by two for the median.
If there is an odd number of pieces of data (such as here), one number represents the median. Since we have 13 pieces of data, the 7th value is the median, because we would have 6 pieces smaller or equal to it, and 6 pieces greater than or equal to it.
The seventh piece of data here is the 8, which is "0 | 8". Since the ten's digit is 0, that means that the median number of days missed is 8.
Example Question #1 : Median
Find the median of this set of numbers: 89, 75, 111, 94, 36, 89, 81.
Place the numbers in order from least to greatest:
36, 75, 81, 89, 89, 94, 111
Identify the middle number in the set. The answer is
Example Question #1 : How To Find Median
Find the median in this set of numbers:
3021, 3211, 3120, 3102, 3012, 3201, 3210, 3112, 3011
First, order the numbers from least to greatest:
Then, identify the middle number:
Answer: The median is 3112.
All ISEE Middle Level Math Resources