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Example Questions
Example Question #21 : Understanding Wavelength And Frequency
A saxophone plays a B-flat at in normal air at
. What is the wavelength of the note?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Remember that the velocity of a wave is always equal to the wavelength times the frequency:
All sound waves will travel with the same velocity, the speed of sound. Using this value and the given frequency, we can calculate the wavelength.
Example Question #652 : High School Physics
A flute plays a note with a frequency of . What is the period of this note?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Period is the inverse of frequency:
Given the frequency, we simply need to take the reciprocal in order to find the period.
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Cairo University, Egypt, Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering. New Mexico State University-Main Campus, Doctor of Phil...
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Clemson University, Bachelor of Science, Mathematics. Clemson University, Master of Science, Mathematics.
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