GRE Subject Test: Psychology : Somatosenses

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Somatosenses

Which of the following reflexes could be stimulated in a newborn by an unexpected loud noise?

Possible Answers:

Step reflex

Rooting reflex

Moro reflex

Babinski Reflex

Tonic neck reflex

Correct answer:

Moro reflex


The Moro reflex (also called the "startle reflex") generally lasts in newborns until the age of six months. When startled, a newborn exhibiting the Moro reflex will throw its head back and its arms and legs out simultaneously, cry, then pull its limbs back in.

Example Question #2 : Somatosenses

The somatosensory system is comprised of which of the following?

Possible Answers:

Olfaction, gustation, and heat sensation

Tactile and skin senses, vision, and audition

Tactile and skin senses, vestibular sense, and kinesthetic sense

Vision, audition, and olfaction

Vestibular sense, kinesthetic sense, and visual sense

Correct answer:

Tactile and skin senses, vestibular sense, and kinesthetic sense


The somatosensory system is a sense system based around information about the physical body. This includes the senses of touch, of heat, of pain, pressure, and vibration; of orientation and balance; and of muscular movement. The tactile and skin senses, the vestibular sense, and the kinesthetic sense comprise it. The tactile sense is that of touch. Other skin senses include detection of heat, pain, pressure, and vibration. The vestibular sense is that which detects the body's orientation in space, and contributes to our sense of balance and motion. The kinesthetic sense is based off the movements and positions of our muscles, and may also be referred to as proprioception. This sense is how we can close our eyes yet remain aware of where our limbs are positioned in space, or why we don't need to follow our legs and arms with our eyes to direct them while we walk or reach for objects out of view. The other answer choices do not involve correct groupings of senses to summarize the somatosensory system.

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