Calculus 2 : Integrals

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Example Questions

Example Question #14 : Volume Of A Solid

Evaluate the following trigonometric integral:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


To solve this, first factor out one cosine and write the rest in terms of sine:

From here, we can do a substitution where u=sin(x) and du=cos(x)dx:

Finally, re-substitute sin(x) for u:

Example Question #1 : Volume Of Cross Sections And Area Of Region

Using the method of cylindrical disks, find the volume of the region revolved around the x-axis of the graph of 

on the interval 

Possible Answers:

 units cubed

 units cubed

 units cubed

 units cubed

Correct answer:

 units cubed


The formula for volume of the region revolved around the x-axis is given as 


As such

When taking the integral, we use the inverse power rule which states

Applying this rule term by term we get

And by the corollary of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 

As such the volume is

 units cubed

Example Question #1 : Volume Of Cross Sections And Area Of Region

Find the volume of the solid generated by rotating about the y-axis the region under the curve , from  to .

Possible Answers:

None of the other answers

Correct answer:


Since we are revolving a function of  around the y-axis, we will use the method of cylindrical shells to find the volume.


Using the formula for cylindrical shells, we have




Example Question #2051 : Calculus Ii

Find the volume of the solid region swept out by the area bounded by the the functions   and about the -axis. 



Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Find the volume of the solid region swept out by the area bounded by the the functions   and  about the -axis. 


The cross sectional area of the solid can be written as a function of  by first finding the cross-sectional areas swept out by each of the individual functions as they rotate about the x-axis, and then subtracting the inner area. 

Visualize a line drawn perpendicularly to the x-axis at some point meeting the function . As we rotate about the x-axis, we sweep out a circular cross-sectional area with a radius equal to the function value  at the corresponding value of . The area of this disk is therefore:


Similarly for the function , the cross-sectional area is: 

Problem 6 plots for finding the volume of a solid


The plot of the two functions helps visualize the geometry. The parabola is clearly the "inner" radius, and therefore we must subtract the areas  from  to find the cross-sectional area of the solid:



Now we must find the limits of integration by finding the intersection points. 


Solve for 


The other solution is . Now simply integrate the cross sectional area over the interval  to find the volume of the solid, 






 To simplify further, write the terms with a common denominator and factor. 









Example Question #16 : Volume Of A Solid

Find the volume of solid of revolution for the given function:


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The volume of a solid of revolution for a given function is found using the disk method. Answer is obtained upon evaluating the following integral:

Example Question #301 : Integrals

Approximate the length of the curve of  on the interval . Use Simpson's Parabolic Rule with  to make your estimate to the nearest thousandth.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The length of the curve of  on the interval  can be determined by evaluating the integral


, so

, and the integral to be approximated is

We divide the interval   into four subintervals of width  each, so 

By Simpson's rule, we can estimate the integral by evaluating


We evaluate  at these points, then substitute:

The approximation is therefore

Example Question #3 : Length Of Curve, Distance Traveled, Accumulated Change, Motion Of Curve

Give the arclength of the graph of the function  on the interval .

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The length of the curve of  on the interval  can be determined by evaluating the integral




The above integral becomes 

Substitute . Then , and the integral becomes

Example Question #1 : Length Of Curve, Distance Traveled, Accumulated Change, Motion Of Curve

Give the arclength of the graph of the function  on the interval .

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The length of the curve of  on the interval  can be determined by evaluating the integral


, so 

The integral becomes

Use substitution - set . Then , and . The bounds of integration become  and , and the integral becomes

Example Question #302 : Integrals

Give the arclength of the graph of the function  on the interval .

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The length of the curve of  on the interval  can be determined by evaluating the integral


, so

and the integral becomes

Use substitution - set . Then , and . The bounds of integration become 0 and 6; the integral becomes

Example Question #303 : Integrals

What is the average value of the function  on the interval  ?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The average value of the function  on the interval  is equal to 

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