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Example Questions
Example Question #411 : Derivatives
In exponentially decaying systems, often times the solutions to differential equations take on the form of an integral called Duhamel's Integral. This is given by:
Where is a constant and
is a function that represents an external force.
Taking one derivative with respect to , determine which of the following differential equations
Taking one time derivative we get:
Example Question #1531 : Calculus Ii
Find the derivative of the function:
The derivative of the function is equal to
and was found using the following rules:
Example Question #412 : Derivatives
Find the derivative of the function:
The derivative of the function is equal to
and was found using the following rules:
Example Question #414 : Derivative Review
Find the absolute maxima of the following function on the given interval:
on the interval
To find the absolute extrema of a function on a closed interval, one must first take the first derivative of the function.
The derviatve of this function by the power rule is as follows:
The relative extrema is when the first derivative is equal to 0, that is, there is a change in slope.
Solving for x when it is equal to zero derives:
Diving by 6 and factoring gives or
however, since we are concerned with the interval (-2,0) our x value is -1.
We now however must find the value of f(x) at -1
Example Question #211 : First And Second Derivatives Of Functions
Example Question #411 : Derivative Review
Example Question #1541 : Calculus Ii
Example Question #1541 : Calculus Ii
Example Question #414 : Derivatives
Example Question #416 : Derivative Review
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