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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Micro Practice And Social Work Relationships
According to crisis intervention models, social workers should identify signs of crisis in which of the following areas?
Emotional level
All of these
Physical level
Cognitive level
All of these
According to crisis intervention, therapists should look for signs of crisis on the following three levels: physical, emotional, and cognitive. Physical responses to crisis include the following: tremors, dizziness, weakness, and headaches. Emotional responses to trauma include the following: irritability, anxiety, anger, fear, and guilt. Last, cognitive responses include the following responses to trauma: sense of blame, hypersensitivity, confusion and poor concentration. These are not complete lists but general responses to patient trauma that crisis interventions seek to remedy.
Example Question #2 : Micro Practice And Social Work Relationships
Which of the following can be classified as system approaches to family therapy?
All of these
All of these
Family systems approaches to therapy are broken into the following three categories: structural, strategic, and intergenerational. Structural family therapy uses methods such as role playing in order to determine the structure of the family by observing relationships behaviors and patterns. Strategic family therapy evaluates behavior outside the session in order to problem solve by observing family processes and functions. Last, intergenerational family therapy acknowledges the effects of generational influences upon family behaviors and dysfunctions.
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