AP Chemistry : Elements and Atoms

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Example Questions

Example Question #124 : Ap Chemistry

Which of the following statements is false about metals?

Possible Answers:

They are very malleable

They are electrically conductive

They typically form negatively charged ions in solution

They are found on the left side of the periodic table

Correct answer:

They typically form negatively charged ions in solution


Metals are very large atoms that tend to lose electrons and become cations in solution. They will easily gain a positive charge, rather than a negative charge.

Metals typically have the following characteristics: they are malleable, ductile, and are excellent conductors for electricity. Metals are found on the left side of the periodic table.

Example Question #131 : Ap Chemistry

Which of the following is a metalloid?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Metalloids are the groups of elements that separate the metals and non-metals; these form a "stair-case" on the periodic table

Example Question #31 : Elements And Atoms

Why does iron rust more easily than zinc or aluminum?

Possible Answers:

iron is a better oxidizing agent

aluminum and zinc are not reactive metals

none of the above

aluminum and zinc can form protective oxides

Correct answer:

aluminum and zinc can form protective oxides


Rust forms when a substance is oxidized; thus iron cannot be a better oxidizing agent, because that would mean it would be more easily reduced. Aluminum and zinc are reactive, so that answer choice can be ruled out. Aluminum and zinc can form protective oxides by complexing the atom with oxygen.

Example Question #21 : Elemental Properties And Types

Chemically, phosphorus is most chemically similar to which other element?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The chemistry of elements in a group are the most similar due to their valence electron configuration being identical. Both phosphorus and arsenic have 5 valence electrons, therefore,  is most chemically similar to . Phosphate is the polyatomic ion .

Example Question #21 : The Periodic Table

Given three electron affinities in no particular order: , all of them expressed in  , assign them correctly to the elements sodium , potassium , and calcium .

Possible Answers:

Cannot be determined since electron affinities are always positive

Correct answer:


First, we have to remember that the more negative the electron affinity (EA) is, the easiest will be for an atom to grab an extra electron. A positive EA means that we have to supply an atom with energy for it to accept an extra electron. The general trend of EA is to increases from bottom to top in a group and from left to right in a period. Hence, sodium is on top of potassium it should have larger affinity. However, calcium has a smaller EA than potassium. Elements of the group 2A do not follow the general trend. They have a semi-closed shell electronic structure with paired electrons in the outermost s orbitals. Such structure requires extra energy to be broken.

Example Question #23 : The Periodic Table

Which of the following is a transition metal?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Transition metals are found in the "middle" of the table

Na and Sr are metals

Cl and Po are non-metals

Example Question #32 : Elements And Atoms

Which of the following increases when moving down within the same group on the periodic table?

Possible Answers:

Atomic radius

Electron affinity


Ionization energy

Correct answer:

Atomic radius


In this question, we're asked to determine a period trend. Specifically, we're asked to determine which answer choice increases as one moves down the periodic table.

Electronegativity describes the pull an atom has on the electrons shared in a covalent bond. The greater the effective nuclear charge, the greater the attraction these electrons will have for the positively charged nucleus. When moving from left to right on the table, electronegativity increases. Also, moving from bottom to top on the table corresponds to an increase in electronegativity.

The trend in electron affinity is similar to the trend in electronegativity for much the same reasons. Electron affinity describes how willing an atom is to accept an additional electron. When this happens, a certain amount of energy is released. The more energy that is released, the more stable that atom has become. Electron affinity increases as one moves from left to right on the table, and also when one moves from top to bottom.

Ionization energy is the amount of energy that is needed in order to remove an electron from an atom or ion. Once again, for much the same reasons as discussed above, the trend of ionization energy will increase when moving from left to right across the periodic table, and also when moving from bottom to top.

Lastly, let's consider atomic radius. This term describes roughly the distance between the center of an atom and its outer electron shell. As we move from left to the right, the effective nuclear charge increases as each atom gains an additional proton (a more positively charged nucleus will exert a greater pull on the outer electrons, causing the radius to decrease). Also, as we move down the periodic table, additional energy shells (energy levels) are added. Since each subsequent shell represents valence electrons that are farther away from the nucleus, the radius of the atom increases. Thus, as we move down the table, atomic radius is the property that is expected to increase.

Example Question #25 : The Periodic Table

Which of the following does not obey the octet rule?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Hydrogen does not have enough space for 8 electrons, since it has only one s-subshell, which holds a maximum of 2 electrons.

Example Question #1 : History Of The Periodic Table

Dmitri Mendeleev is credited as publisher of the first version of the periodic table similar to the one presently used. He found patterns in the behavior of some elements and grouped them together as such. While there were many benefits of Mendeleev's table that helped to advance our knowledge of chemistry, there are several shortcomings that it still cannot address.

The placement of hydrogen on the periodic table is somewhat misleading. Which of the following statements about hydrogen is false?

Possible Answers:

Hydrogen can behave as both an alkali metal and as a halogen.

The predominant isotope of hydrogen has 1 proton and no neutrons.

Hydrogen has one valence electron.

Hydrogen is an alkali metal.

Correct answer:

Hydrogen is an alkali metal.


Hydrogen has an atomic mass of 1.009 amu, which implies that  is the predominant isotope. Neutral hydrogen has an equal number of protons as electrons, which is 1 each. While hydrogen can behave as an alkali metal or as a halogen by losing or gaining an electron to attain a full valence shell, it does not exhibit properties of metals, which are electrically and thermally conductive. Thus the location of hydrogen on the periodic table may be misleading, since it is a nonmetal.

Example Question #1 : Periodic Trends

Which of the following elements is the most electronegative?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Electronegativity increases across a period (going right) and decreases down a group [not including noble gases]. The element closest to the top right is Phosphorous

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