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Free ACT English Diagnostic Tests
ACT English Diagnostic Test 1
ACT English Diagnostic Test 2
ACT English Diagnostic Test 3
ACT English Diagnostic Test 4
ACT English Diagnostic Test 5
ACT English Diagnostic Test 6
ACT English Diagnostic Test 7
ACT English Diagnostic Test 8
ACT English Diagnostic Test 9
All ACT English Resources
Our free ACT English Practice Tests are each a selection of 10 to 12 questions, which will give you a cross-section of topics from the English section of the official ACT. You might think of them as little quizzes, which you can use to hone your skills. Whether you need top ACT English tutors in Atlanta, ACT English tutors in Houston, or top ACT English tutors in San Francisco, working with a pro may take your studies to the next level.
ACT English Section
What does the ACT English section cover?
The ACT English section tests a student’s ability to identify and correct grammatical and stylistic errors in written English. The student thus demonstrates his or her knowledge of standard written English. The ACT English section also tests a student’s ability to gauge the effect that revisions to a passage have on a reader’s understanding of the material. Varsity Tutors offers resources like a free ACT prep book to help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider an ACT English tutor.
How many problems are on the ACT English section, and how much time do I have to complete them?
Each ACT English section contains 45 multiple-choice problems, and students are given 75 minutes (one hour and fifteen minutes) to complete them.
Should I guess on the ACT English section?
Absolutely! Unlike the SAT, which calculates students’ scores based on the number of questions which they answer incorrectly, the ACT calculates students’ scores based on the number of questions students answer correctly. In other words, there is no penalty for guessing on the ACT, and guessing can only ever increase your score.
What kinds of problems are on the ACT English section?
The ACT English section consists entirely of passages that purposely contain grammatical and stylistic errors. Certain words, phrases, or sentences are underlined in the passage and include a number underneath the underlined section to associate it with a numbered multiple-choice question that has four possible answers. Questions present several options for rephrasing or rewriting the underlined material; it is your job to select the option that makes the passage grammatically correct and stylistically consistent. Certain questions propose introducing or omitting sentences from the passage, or ask how these changes might affect the reader’s understanding of the passage. Many questions in the ACT English section include “NO CHANGE” as a possible answer; students are to select this choice if the best answer is to leave the underlined material as it is written in the passage.
No other problem types (such as synonyms, analogies, or sentence completions) appear on the ACT English section.
How should I study for the ACT English section?
Use these practice tests to get a sense of how you might do on the ACT’s English section. They can also help you to identify which types of grammatical rules and stylistic conventions you know well, and which ones you need to learn. Focus your studying time on the aspects of English grammar and style that you don’t understand or that are featured in questions that you often miss; this is a great way to increase your ACT English score.
Another resource available through Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools are full-length ACT English practice tests. In fact, you may want to begin your preparation by taking one of the complete practice tests to assist you in customizing your study plan. This comprehensive format gives you the chance to work on your pace and examine each of your skills. As on the concept-specific practice tests, the results page includes extensive explanations and detailed information on each question’s relevant concepts. In addition, the complete practice tests provide the benefit of helping you focus your ACT English review by helping you discover which skills you have mastered, and the topics on which you might like to spend more time reviewing. In addition to the ACT English Practice Tests and ACT English tutoring, you may also want to consider using some of our ACT flashcards. Once you have studied using the other Learning Tools, you can take another full-length ACT English practice test to measure your progress.
Free ACT English Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Correcting grammatical errors practice test
act_english-correcting-grammatical-errorsPhrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
act_english-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsAppositive and interrupting phrase errors practice test
act_english-appositive-and-interrupting-phrase-errorsAppositive errors practice test
act_english-appositive-errorsInterrupting phrase errors practice test
act_english-interrupting-phrase-errorsConjunction errors practice test
act_english-conjunction-errorsCorrelative conjunction errors practice test
act_english-correlative-conjunction-errorsOther conjunction errors practice test
act_english-other-conjunction-errorsSubordinating conjunction errors practice test
act_english-subordinating-conjunction-errorsModifier placement errors practice test
act_english-modifier-placement-errorsAmbiguous modifier errors practice test
act_english-ambiguous-modifier-errorsDangling modifier errors practice test
act_english-dangling-modifier-errorsMisplaced or interrupting modifier errors practice test
act_english-misplaced-or-interrupting-modifier-errorsOther phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
act_english-other-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsParallel structure errors practice test
act_english-parallel-structure-errorsSentence fragment and sentence combination errors practice test
act_english-sentence-fragment-and-sentence-combination-errorsPunctuation errors practice test
act_english-punctuation-errorsApostrophe errors practice test
act_english-apostrophe-errorsColon errors practice test
act_english-colon-errorsComma errors practice test
act_english-comma-errorsErrors involving hyphens, dashes, and parentheses practice test
act_english-errors-involving-hyphens-dashes-and-parenthesesPeriod, exclamation point, and question mark errors practice test
act_english-period-exclamation-point-and-question-mark-errorsQuotation mark errors practice test
act_english-quotation-mark-errorsSemicolon errors practice test
act_english-semicolon-errorsWord usage errors practice test
act_english-word-usage-errorsAgreement errors practice test
act_english-agreement-errorsModifier-word modified agreement errors practice test
act_english-modifier-word-modified-agreement-errorsModifier-word modified countability errors practice test
act_english-modifier-word-modified-countability-errorsModifier-word modified number errors practice test
act_english-modifier-word-modified-number-errorsOther modifier-word modified agreement errors practice test
act_english-other-modifier-word-modified-agreement-errorsPronoun-antecedent agreement errors practice test
act_english-pronoun-antecedent-agreement-errorsOther pronoun-antecedent errors practice test
act_english-other-pronoun-antecedent-errorsPronoun-antecedent gender errors practice test
act_english-pronoun-antecedent-gender-errorsPronoun-antecedent number errors practice test
act_english-pronoun-antecedent-number-errorsSubject-verb agreement errors practice test
act_english-subject-verb-agreement-errorsCompound subject errors practice test
act_english-compound-subject-errorsSimple subject errors practice test
act_english-simple-subject-errorsUsage errors practice test
act_english-usage-errorsOther usage errors practice test
act_english-other-usage-errorsComparative and superlative adjective and adverb errors practice test
act_english-comparative-and-superlative-adjective-and-adverb-errorsConventional and idiomatic usage errors practice test
act_english-conventional-and-idiomatic-usage-errorsOther adjective and adverb errors practice test
act_english-other-adjective-and-adverb-errorsPreposition errors practice test
act_english-preposition-errorsPronoun usage errors practice test
act_english-pronoun-usage-errorsOther pronoun errors practice test
act_english-other-pronoun-errorsOther pronoun usage errors practice test
act_english-other-pronoun-usage-errorsRelative pronoun usage errors practice test
act_english-relative-pronoun-usage-errorsPronoun case errors practice test
act_english-pronoun-case-errorsPossessive pronoun errors practice test
act_english-possessive-pronoun-errorsSubjective and objective pronoun errors practice test
act_english-subjective-and-objective-pronoun-errorsVerb formation errors practice test
act_english-verb-formation-errorsOther verb usage errors practice test
act_english-other-verb-usage-errorsVerb mood errors practice test
act_english-verb-mood-errorsVerb tense errors practice test
act_english-verb-tense-errorsVerb voice errors practice test
act_english-verb-voice-errorsWriting and revising effectively practice test
act_english-writing-and-revising-effectivelyInserting and removing content practice test
act_english-inserting-and-removing-contentInserting content practice test
act_english-inserting-contentRemoving content practice test
act_english-removing-contentReorganizing content practice test
act_english-reorganizing-contentSeparating, combining, or reordering paragraphs practice test
act_english-separating-combining-or-reordering-paragraphsSeparating, combining, or reordering sentences practice test
act_english-separating-combining-or-reordering-sentencesRevising content practice test
act_english-revising-contentAnalyzing contextual relevance practice test
act_english-analyzing-contextual-relevance_aaAnalyzing effectiveness practice test
act_english-analyzing-effectivenessAvoiding ambiguity and redundancy practice test
act_english-avoiding-ambiguity-and-redundancyIntroductions, transitions, and conclusions practice test
act_english-introductions-transitions-and-conclusionsUnderstanding referents practice test
act_english-understanding-referentsWord choice, style, and tone practice test
act_english-word-choice-style-and-toneAll ACT English Resources
All ACT English Resources