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Example Questions
Example Question #21 : Identifying Cranial Nerve Function
Which cranial nerve is involved with vision?
Abducens nerve
Optic nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve
Optic nerve
Though all of these nerves are involved with the eye, only one of them is involved with vision. The optic nerve (cranial nerve II) has a sensory function, allowing us to see. The oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) has a motor function, allowing eyelid and eyeball movement. The trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV) also has a motor function, allowing the eye to turn downward and laterally. Lastly, the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) also has a motor function, allowing the eye to turn laterally.
Example Question #22 : Identifying Cranial Nerve Function
Which cranial nerve functions in hearing and balance?
Cranial nerve VII
Cranial nerve VI
Cranial nerve XI
Cranial nerve VIII
Cranial nerve VIII
Cranial nerve VIII is also known as the vestibulococchlear nerve. It performs sensory functions, transmitting sound and equilibrium information from the inner ear to the brain. Cranial nerve VI is also known as the abducens nerve. It performs motor functions, controlling the movement of the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. Cranial nerve XI is also known as the accessory nerve. It performs motor functions, controlling the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. Lastly, cranial nerve VII is also known as the facial nerve. It performs both sensory and motor functions, controlling the muscles of facial expression and conveying taste sensations from the tongue and oral cavity.
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