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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Urban And Rural Societies
Bourgeoise is another name for __________.
the aristocracy
the middle class
The Vatican
the working class
The Clergy
the middle class
Bourgeoise is a French term, also widely used in the English language to refer to the Middle Class. It has its origins around the time of the Industrial Revolution, and it is often used in a demeaning fashion to suggest certain materialistic or superficial social values.
Example Question #2 : Urban And Rural Societies
Which of these statements is most true? During the Industrial Revolution much of the population __________.
migrated to rural areas to escape the poverty and harsh conditions of city life
grew immensely wealthy from the sale of manufactured goods
became ill due to the release of smog and toxic chemicals
invested in railroad companies
migrated to urban centers in search of work
migrated to urban centers in search of work
Although it is probably true that some people moved away from cities to escape the poverty of city life and that some became ill from toxic chemicals. and it is also true that a small minority of people grew immensely wealthy during the Industrial Revolution, none of these statements represents the experience of the majority of people. The majority of the English population was no longer needed on farmland and was migrating to urban centers in search of work. As the Industrial Revolution spread around the world this seems to be the experience everywhere: Industrial Revolution led to urbanization.
Example Question #2 : Urban And Rural Societies
Which of these countries has the highest population density?
The United States
Population density refers to the number of people living in a certain area of land. A country with a high population density has a large number of people living in a relatively small amount of land. Although the populations of the U.S.A., China, and Brazil are all higher than the population of Bangladesh, the land area of Bangladesh is much smaller, so it has the highest population density.
Example Question #3 : Urban And Rural Societies
From 1700 to 1800, the population of Europe __________.
fell heavily due to widespread famine and frequent plague
remained roughly the same before exploding in the Industrial Revolution
increased slightly due to agricultural improvements
fell slightly due to widespread famine
almost doubled, providing the necessary labor for the Industrial Revolution
almost doubled, providing the necessary labor for the Industrial Revolution
The eighteenth century was a time of dramatic population growth in Europe, particularly Western Europe. Advances in agriculture and fewer plagues meant a much lower death rate. The population rose from just under 100 million in 1700 to roughly 180 million by 1800. This population growth was vital for providing the conditions necessary for the Industrial Revolution to take off in the nineteenth century.
Example Question #21 : Geography
What is the name given to the forced dispersal of a people or a nation from their homeland to live among other societies?
The term, "diaspora," is used to describe a group of people, or a nation, who have been evicted from their homeland and forced to live among other societies. In recent history this has been used to describe the community of Jewish people who lived in various European societies throughout much of history.
Example Question #22 : Geography
The Amazon rainforest, in Brazil, is found on which continent?
North America
Central America
South America
South America
The Amazon rainforest, and the Amazon River, are both found in Brazil, which is a country in South America. Central America is not a continent..
Example Question #23 : Geography
Which of these is not a monotheistic religion?
A monotheistic religion is defined by the belief in only one God. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all monotheistic religions. As is Zoroastrianism, an ancient Iranian monotheistic religion and philosophy. Of these choices only Hinduism is polytheistic, having a large range and variety of Gods.
Example Question #24 : Geography
Polytheism is best described as __________
a government ruled by one autocratic leader.
the belief that God does not exist.
the belief in one God.
a government ruled by a small group of individuals with absolute power.
the belief in more than one God.
the belief in more than one God.
Polytheism is a religion defined by the belief in more than one God. In the ancient world almost all religions were polytheistic—such as the Greek and Roman religions, Egyptian, Norse and so on; however, since the rise of Judaism, then Christianity and Islam, monotheistic religions (the belief in one God) now largely dominate.
Example Question #25 : Geography
The spread of the American fast food chains around the world in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries is an example of __________.
cultural diffusion
implied powers
yellow journalism
cultural diffusion
Cultural diffusion is a term used to describe the spread of one culture’s language, ideas, or principles to other cultures, where it is then adopted and embraced. In the last century or two the English language has spread rapidly around the world and is now the second language of a large proportion of the global population.
Example Question #26 : Geography
The Native American population most likely arrived in North America __________.
via ships and rafts from Hawaii
across the Strait of Gibraltar from Africa
from Viking Expeditions to Eastern Canada
across the Bering Strait from Asia
through the Panamanian and Belizean rainforests
across the Bering Strait from Asia
The original Native American population is believed to have crossed into North America via a land bridge in the modern-day Bering Strait. So they would have crossed from what is now Northern Russia into Alaska and then rapidly worked there way (over many generations) down throughout modern North and South America.
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