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Completion of Advanced Placement Chemistry, or AP Chemistry, offers you the opportunity to gain an academic edge as you prepare for college, as the course gives those who complete it a foundation for the college-level chemistry courses that are to come. As you move through this course, you may find that you’re in need of a little help to review the course material. The course requires that you have a background that includes a high school chemistry course and Algebra II; it also requires that at least 25 percent of course time is spent in a laboratory getting hands-on experience to better understand the concepts. Whether you need Chemistry tutoring in Pittsburgh, Chemistry tutoring in Chicago, or Chemistry tutoring in Sacramento, working one-on-one with an expert may be just the boost your studies need.
That’s where Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools come in handy, the online flashcards for AP Chemistry in particular. Hundreds of flashcards are available online for you to use as you work through your AP Chemistry course. These cards cover concepts like compounds and molecules, mass, polyatomic ions and functional groups, molecules, elements and atoms, and the periodic table. There are several other topics included as well. Varsity Tutors also offers resources like a free AP Chemistry Diagnostic Tests help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider an AP Chemistry tutor.
Whether you need a general overview of AP Chemistry concepts or you want to focus in on specific concepts, these free flashcards online offer you that flexibility. You can choose from the different concepts listed above by clicking on those subject cards, or start with an overview of AP Chemistry that will pick cards from various topics. You don’t have to answer every flashcard, and you can even go backward from flashcards you’ve already explored.
On each card, you’ll find a multiple-choice question that is similar to questions you might find on the AP Chemistry exam. For example, in the radioactive decay and nuclear chemistry card set, you’ll find questions like “What kind of radiation has no charge or mass?” and four options for answers. You can choose an answer and get instant feedback on whether you’ve chosen the correct answer or not, and the explanation of the correct answer as well. The AP Chemistry exam includes multiple-choice questions, as well as free response questions that show how well you understand experimental design, analyzing patterns, and problem-solving.
Whether you just have a few minutes, or you have several hours that you can dedicate to concept review for your class, this is a flexible option to study. These online flashcards provide an option that you can use to review AP Chemistry concepts before you head into the lab for the required laboratory time or as you prepare for the AP Chemistry exam. In addition to the AP Chemistry flashcards and AP Chemistry tutoring, you may also want to consider taking some of our AP Chemistry Practice Tests.
In addition to these flashcards for AP Chemistry, you can also access other study aids through Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools, like a variety of Full-Length Practice Tests, hundreds of topic-focused Practice Tests, a Question of the Day series that focuses on new topics every day, and the interactive syllabus called Learn by Concept. Creating an account through Varsity Tutors allows you have access to these various study aids, as well as the ability to create your own Learning Tools Flashcards for AP Chemistry, to track your progress, and to get an understanding of the topics you need to study further.
Our AP Chemistry flashcards each contain one question that might appear on the AP Chemistry exam. You can use them to get a comprehensive overview of each topic covered on the AP Chemistry exam one problem at a time, or to do problem drills that focus on particular problem types or content areas found on the AP Chemistry exam.
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