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Example Questions
Example Question #352 : Statistics And Probability
Solve for the median:
The median is the central number of a chronologically ordered data set from least to greatest.
Reorder the data set.
Since there are four numbers in the data set, the median is the average of the two central numbers.
The median is:
Example Question #351 : Statistics And Probability
Find the median of the data set:
The median of this set is the central number of the chronological ordered numbers from least to greatest.
Reorder the numbers from least to greatest.
The median is .
Example Question #354 : Statistics And Probability
Find the median:
To find the median, first reorganize all the numbers in chronological order.
Average the center two numbers of the even number data set.
The median is:
Example Question #355 : Statistics And Probability
On a recent algebra test, students achieved the following scores:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 3:
Student 4:
Student 5:
Student 6:
Student 7:
Student 8:
Student 9:
Student 10:
Student 11:
What is the median score?
80, 80, 95, 90, 90, 70, 65, 85, 90, 100, 50
50, 65, 70, 80, 80, 85, 90, 90, 90, 95, 100
The easiest way to begin this problem is to put the scores in numerical order:
The median is the middle score. In this case, that answer is .
Example Question #356 : Statistics And Probability
Find the median of the following set of numbers:
where i is the imaginary number, .
First, rank the number in increasing order, remember
Since there is an even number of items in the set, the median is the averaege of the two center numbers:
Example Question #1781 : Algebra 1
Find the median of the following data set:
23, 24, 26, 32, 31, 32, 22, 21, 20, 30
List the values in numerical order:
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 32
Find the middle two numbers:
24, 26
Find the average of the middle numbers by adding them and dividing by 2:
Example Question #362 : Statistics And Probability
When rolling two standard six-sided dice, what is the probability of NOT getting a seven?
When rolling two six-sided dice there are possible outcomes.
The possible combinations to get a seven are: .
So there are six ways to get a seven, out of combinations total. The resulting probability of getting a seven is
The probability of NOT getting a seven is .
Example Question #2 : How To Find Mode
A short quiz with 5 questions is given to a class of 30 students. 7 students answered 5 questions correctly, 12 students answered 4 questions correctly, 9 students answered 3 questions correctly, and 2 students answered 2 questions correctly.
What is the mode among the class's scores?
The mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data. Within the class, 7 students answered 5 questions correctly, 12 students answered 4 questions correctly, 9 students answered 3 questions correctly, and 2 students answered 2 questions correctly. More students scored a 4 than any other score, so this score is the class's mode.
Example Question #6 : Mode
Which of the following data sets has exactly one mode regardless of the value of ?
is the correct set; no matter what
is, no value other than 10 can appear four or more times.
To see that no other choice works, let's examine them.
: If
is any number other than 10 or 11, then the number has 10 and 11, and possibly one other number, as modes, each appearing twice.
: If
is not any of the numbers already in the set, the set has no repeated values and thus no mode.
: If
, then the set is bimodal, with 8 and
the modes.
: If
, the set is bimodal, with 10 and 11 the modes.
Example Question #1 : How To Find Mode
Find the mode of the following set of numbers: 2, 8, 4, 9, 2.
The mode of a set of numbers is the number that appears the most. In this set of numbers, 2 appears twice, and all of the other numbers appear only once. Thus, 2 is the mode of this set of numbers.
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