All LSAT Logic Games Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #54 : Solving Two Variable Logic Games
Three English runners--Albert, Barry, and Carl--are competing in a race with three German runners--Dieter, Franz, and Hans. The order in which the six runners will finish the race is subject to the following conditions:
Hans will finish the race before Carl and Dieter.
Franz will finish the race immediately after Barry.
Carl will finish the race sometime before Barry.
A German runner will finish the race first.
No English runner will be the last to finish the race.
Which one of the following, if substituted for the condition that no English runner will be the last to finish the race, would have the exact same effect in determining the finishing order?
Barry must finish the race fourth or earlier.
Dieter must finish the race fifth or later.
Dieter must finish the race before Carl.
Franz must finish the race before Albert.
Albert must finish the race fifth or earlier.
Albert must finish the race fifth or earlier.
Because Albert is the only English runner who could possibly finish last if the proposed condition is removed, his finishing the race fifth or earlier effectively forces a German runner to finish last. Carl still cannot finish last due to the condition that he must finish before Barry. Barry still cannot finish last due to the condition that he finish immediately before Franz. Therefore, if Albert does not finish last, a German runner must do so.
Example Question #321 : Linear Games
Tania will be taking seven business trips over seven weeks. Each trip will be to one of four destinations. She must visit each destination at least one time. The four locations are Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. The following conditions apply:
She cannot travel to Missouri in the fourth week
She must travel to Kansas during the first or seventh weeks
Any time she travels to Louisiana, she must travel to Missouri the next week
She cannot travel to Missouri and Indiana on consecutive weeks
She must travel to at least one location on consecutive weeks, but cannot travel to any location three weeks in a row
Which of the following could be the order in which Tania travels to the destinations?
Missouri, Kansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana
Louisiana, Missouri, Indiana, Indiana, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas
Kansas, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana
Louisiana, Kansas, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, Indiana, Kansas
Kansas, Indiana, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana
Kansas, Indiana, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana
Each incorrect answer directly contradicts one or more rules. Carefully apply the rules to eliminate incorrect answers.
Example Question #322 : Linear Games
Tania will be taking seven business trips over seven weeks. Each trip will be to one of four destinations. She must visit each destination at least one time. The four locations are Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. The following conditions apply:
She cannot travel to Missouri in the fourth week
She must travel to Kansas during the first or seventh weeks
Any time she travels to Louisiana, she must travel to Missouri the next week
She cannot travel to Missouri and Indiana on consecutive weeks
She must travel to at least one location on consecutive weeks, but cannot travel to any location three weeks in a row
Which of the following cannot be true?
Tania travels to Missouri on consecutive weeks
Tania travels to Indiana during the fourth and fifth weeks
Tania travels to Kansas on consecutive weeks
Tania travels to Louisiana during the third week
Tania travels to Louisiana during the fourth week
Tania travels to Louisiana during the third week
If Tania traveled to Louisiana during the third week, then she would be required to travel to Missouri during the fourth week. The rules directly prohibit her from doing that, however.
Example Question #323 : Linear Games
Tania will be taking seven business trips over seven weeks. Each trip will be to one of four destinations. She must visit each destination at least one time. The four locations are Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. The following conditions apply:
She cannot travel to Missouri in the fourth week
She must travel to Kansas during the first or seventh weeks
Any time she travels to Louisiana, she must travel to Missouri the next week
She cannot travel to Missouri and Indiana on consecutive weeks
She must travel to at least one location on consecutive weeks, but cannot travel to any location three weeks in a row
Each of the following could be true EXCEPT
Tania travels to Indiana only once
Tania travels to both Missouri and Indiana two times
Tania travels to Louisiana on consecutive weeks
Tania travels to Kansas both first and seventh
Tania travels to one destination a total of four times
Tania travels to Louisiana on consecutive weeks
Tania cannot travel to Louisiana on consecutive weeks. If she were to do so, she would directly contradict the requirement that she travel to Missouri directly after traveling to Louisiana.
Example Question #324 : Linear Games
Tania will be taking seven business trips over seven weeks. Each trip will be to one of four destinations. She must visit each destination at least one time. The four locations are Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. The following conditions apply:
She cannot travel to Missouri in the fourth week
She must travel to Kansas during the first or seventh weeks
Any time she travels to Louisiana, she must travel to Missouri the next week
She cannot travel to Missouri and Indiana on consecutive weeks
She must travel to at least one location on consecutive weeks, but cannot travel to any location three weeks in a row
If Tania travels to Kansas during the second and third weeks, which of the following could be true?
Tania travels to Kansas sixth
Tania travels to Indiana on consecutive weeks
Tania travels to Louisiana sixth
Tania travels to Louisiana first
Tania travels to Kansas first
Tania travels to Kansas sixth
It is possible for Tania to travel to Kansas sixth even if she travels there second and third. She would also need to travel to Kansas seventh. In this situation, she would travel to Indiana first, Louisiana fourth, and Missouri fifth.
Example Question #52 : Solving Two Variable Logic Games
Tania will be taking seven business trips over seven weeks. Each trip will be to one of four destinations. She must visit each destination at least one time. The four locations are Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. The following conditions apply:
She cannot travel to Missouri in the fourth week
She must travel to Kansas during the first or seventh weeks
Any time she travels to Louisiana, she must travel to Missouri the next week
She cannot travel to Missouri and Indiana on consecutive weeks
She must travel to at least one location on consecutive weeks, but cannot travel to any location three weeks in a row
When Tania travels to Louisiana first, which of the following must be true?
Tania travels to Kansas or Indiana third
Tania travels to Indiana fifth
Tania travels to Indiana sixth
Tania travels to Kansas or Missouri third
Tania travels to Kansas or Indiana second
Tania travels to Kansas or Missouri third
When Tania travels to Louisiana first, she must travel to Missouri second. She cannot then travel to Louisiana or Indiana third. If she did, either she would travel to Indiana and Missouri consecutively or she would travel to Missouri fourth--both are prohibited. As a result, she could only travel to Kansas or Missouri third.
Example Question #59 : Solving Two Variable Logic Games
Tania will be taking seven business trips over seven weeks. Each trip will be to one of four destinations. She must visit each destination at least one time. The four locations are Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. The following conditions apply:
She cannot travel to Missouri in the fourth week
She must travel to Kansas during the first or seventh weeks
Any time she travels to Louisiana, she must travel to Missouri the next week
She cannot travel to Missouri and Indiana on consecutive weeks
She must travel to at least one location on consecutive weeks, but cannot travel to any location three weeks in a row
If the rules are changed so that Tania must travel to Indiana directly after traveling to Missouri, and if all other rules remain unchanged, which of the following could be true?
Tania travels to Louisiana on consecutive weeks
Tania travels to Missouri on consecutive weeks
Tania travels to Louisiana sixth
Tania travels to Louisiana third
Tania travels to Missouri first
Tania travels to Missouri first
Tania can travel to Missouri first as long as she travels to Indiana second. The key to eliminating other answer choices is to note that, under the new rule, Tania must travel to two destinations after traveling to Louisiana and one after traveling to Missouri.
Example Question #325 : Linear Games
A chef is arranging spices on a shelf. Four of the spices are in large jars: garlic, oregano, pepper, and salt. Three of the spices are in small jars: basil, cumin, and mint. The following conditions apply:
A large jar must be first or fourth
Pepper must come after cumin but before basil
The jar of salt must be the first large jar in the line
Basil cannot be immediately before or after garlic
Which of the following could be the order of the spices on the shelf?
cumin, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, mint, garlic
salt, pepper, cumin, basil, oregano, garlic, mint
cumin, salt, pepper, mint, garlic, oregano, basil
cumin, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, garlic, mint
mint, garlic, salt, cumin, oregano, pepper, basil
cumin, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, mint, garlic
Each of the incorrect answer choices directly contradicts one of the rules. Apply the rules to eliminate the incorrect answers.
Example Question #326 : Linear Games
A chef is arranging spices on a shelf. Four of the spices are in large jars: garlic, oregano, pepper, and salt. Three of the spices are in small jars: basil, cumin, and mint. The following conditions apply:
A large jar must be first or fourth
Pepper must come after cumin but before basil
The jar of salt must be the first large jar in the line
Basil cannot be immediately before or after garlic
Which of the following cannot be true?
basil is fourth
pepper is sixth
garlic is sixth
salt is fourth
oregano is fifth
salt is fourth
Because salt must be the first large jar, garlic, oregano, and pepper must come after salt. Basil must come after pepper and, therefore, also must come after salt. There is no way that four spices can come after salt when salt is fourth.
Example Question #327 : Linear Games
A chef is arranging spices on a shelf. Four of the spices are in large jars: garlic, oregano, pepper, and salt. Three of the spices are in small jars: basil, cumin, and mint. The following conditions apply:
A large jar must be first or fourth
Pepper must come after cumin but before basil
The jar of salt must be the first large jar in the line
Basil cannot be immediately before or after garlic
Basil can be in each of the following places, EXCEPT
directly after pepper
Basil cannot be third because it must come after cumin, pepper, and salt.
All LSAT Logic Games Resources