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Example Questions
Example Question #55 : Quadratic Equations
Foil the two equations: and
Foiling means to take two equations and merge them into one. It's also the same as saying you want to multiply one equation with another, which is what we'll be doing.
Our two equations are and
, which is the same as
. In order to multiply these two equations together, you must first multiply the first unit
in your equation with everything in the second equation, then the second unit
with everything in your second equation.
Multiply the in the first equation with the
from the second equation:
Multiply the in the first equation with the
from the second equation:
Now multiply the with the
from the second equation:
Multiply the from the first equation with the
from the second equation:
We won't multiply the second equation with the first one like we did above, as that would give us the same answers. Take all the answers you got from above and now string them together like so:
We're almost done, but we seem to be have more than one ;
. These two terms can be combined like so:
Since nothing else seems to have more than one of itself, we can now put the equation together. Make sure to go in order of highest power of to the lowest power of
Your answer is
Example Question #31 : Foil
On which of the following would one use the FOIL technique?
The FOIL technique is used to multiply or expand two binomials. None of the other expressions represent two binomials. The closest representation would be . This expression calls for the multiplication of a binomial and a monomial, so a more straightforward application of the distributive property would work in that case.
Example Question #31 : Foil
One can use the FOIL method.
Adding them up, we get the polynomial , in the customary form of a polynomial.
Example Question #931 : Ged Math
So FOIL works in this case
Example Question #932 : Ged Math
This a case to FOIL
Example Question #933 : Ged Math
Even though there is an in one of the expressions, the expression is STILL a binomial, and should be treated as such. FOIL is used with the multiplication of two binomials, so FOIL works here.
Add the terms:
Example Question #35 : Foil
Multiply .
The FOIL method works because there are two binomials.
Adding gives the polynomial
Example Question #934 : Ged Math
We can use FOIL:
F: x
O: x
I: x
L: x
Example Question #931 : Ged Math
What is the degree of the polynomial represented as the product of the following two binomials?
A polynomial of degree 2
A polynomial of degree 6.
A polynomial of degree 3.
A line.
A polynomial of degree 5.
A polynomial of degree 5.
When the binomials are expanded, we get . This is a polynomial of degree 5.
Example Question #932 : Ged Math
A rectangular prism-shaped box is given as having a width, , a height 5 more than the width, and a length 4 more than 2 times the width. Write a polynomial that represents the area of the box, using FOIL.
First, we need to establish the dimensions of the box. We have the width, . The length is 4 more than 2 times the width, so we have
, and the height is 5 more than the width, so we have
We need to find the area. The area of a rectangular prism is given as length times width times height. So, we can write
To set it up using FOIL, it can be arranged as .
Through FOIL, we get , or
All GED Math Resources